10 Amazing Uses Of Banana Peel

If you want the meat you are going to cook not to be tough and to be juicier, try adding a banana peel to the corresponding pot.

The banana is one of the most delicious and complete fruits that nature offers us. They are sweet, satisfying and the best thing is that they can be taken everywhere. In this case we take advantage of the banana peel.

As is usually the case with most foods, especially fruits, only the white pulp inside is usually consumed and the peel goes to the trash.

But … did you know that that skin that you throw away has important nutrients and properties?

Right in this part vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are concentrated that can still be quite useful for health, beauty and different household tasks.

It is very likely that you still do not know what are those uses with which you can take advantage of this part of the banana. For this reason, this time we are going to share with you 10 ways to make them your allies.

Uses of banana peel:

1. Mosquito bites


Mosquitoes can be everywhere, especially when the weather is warm. One trick to reduce the inflammation and itchiness caused by your bites is to rub the inside of a banana peel on the affected area.

So far no studies have been done on it, but many people say that it works wonders.

2. Shiny shoes

Is your box of bitumen finished? Do not worry! By rubbing a banana peel on the surface of your shoes, you can get that shine that makes them shine so much.

Then, you just have to wipe them with a soft cloth to remove possible remains and that’s it.

Bitumen is a product that contains potassium and the skin of this fruit is one of the sources of this mineral.

3. Whiter teeth


It is not a wonderful product to make teeth as white as with a professional treatment; However, its contribution of potassium helps to reduce those yellowish spots that are formed due to certain foods.

Choose a banana that is ripe and use the inside of its peel to rub the teeth until they are covered with the white part of the fruit.

After the treatment you just have to brush as you usually do. Repeat it every day to see the results.

4. Remove warts

Warts are highly contagious and must be treated very carefully so that they do not spread to other areas of the skin.

The inside of the banana peel is a good remedy to reduce its unsightly appearance on the dermis; Cut a small piece and fix it on the wart using adhesive tape.

By repeating this same process every day, results can be achieved in a very short time.

5. Tenderize meat

Do you feel that the meat you are cooking is very tough? Simple! Add a banana peel to the skillet or pot.

Those who have used this trick say that in addition to tenderizing, it also makes the meat juicier.

6. Bruises


The anti-inflammatory action of banana skin reduces bruises that affect the skin aesthetically.

Rub the ingredient on the affected area several times a day or fix it using an adhesive tape.

7. Compost for the garden

All those nutrients that are concentrated in these peels work as an excellent organic fertilizer to nourish plants and ward off pests.

It contains calcium and magnesium minerals that fertilize so that the flowers look beautiful and do not wither too soon.

8. Acne


The white part of the inside of the banana peel contains beneficial nutrients for the skin and exerts an astringent action that can help treat acne.

Every night before going to sleep, rub it all over your face, emphasizing the most affected parts, let it act for 20 minutes and rinse.

9. Reduce wrinkles

It is not a product with immediate effects but, due to its important content of antioxidants and vitamin C, it can help to reduce those small wrinkles that reflect age in the long term.

Rubbing the inside of the peel on different areas of the face and even on the neck, stimulates collagen production and improves circulation.

10. Brighten silver

That silver that is tarnished by dirt can regain its shine using a banana peel.

Just moisten the inside of a banana peel with water and rub it on the silverware. Then, wipe them with a damp cloth to dry and remove any debris.

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