11 Effective Ways To Eliminate Acidic PH In Your Body

Avoiding an acidic pH in our body is key to enjoying good health. This allows us to identify if our body is in a healthy state of alkalinity or if the acidity levels are very high and put us in danger.

Discover in this article the best methods to combat an acid pH of the body. In this way we will improve our health and quality of life.

The pH of our body

To begin with, when we speak of pH we refer to the potential of hydrogen. This is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in the body.

To understand it more clearly, we must bear in mind that acidity levels are measured on a scale. The values ​​are as follows:

  • From 1 to 14: 1 is the most acidic, 7 the most neutral and 14 the most alkaline.
  • The ideal level for good health is 7.3 to 7.45.

When the pH is altered

Some agents present in pollution, bad eating habits and even stress are very harmful. They can raise acidity levels in the body and lower pH.

When the pH is altered, the blood reacts. As a consequence, it steals the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the vital organs.

In turn,  the person may experience different symptoms. For example, feelings of tiredness, headaches, digestive problems, demineralization of nails and hair, among others.

Why you have to solve an acid pH

The ideal is when our body is a little alkaline, that is, with the pH of the blood above 7. In this case, it is protected against different diseases.

On the other hand, when our body has a high level of acidity, it is more prone to suffer from chronic problems. For example, diabetes, obesity, migraines, cataracts, cancer, arthritis, allergies, osteoporosis, among others.

Food and pH

Foods to combat an acid pH

Everything we eat and drink influences our pH for better or for worse. Some foods increase the levels of acidity in our body, while others help us to alkalize it.

In general, foods of animal origin such as meat and dairy products, cause our acidity levels to rise. Instead, plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables have properties that help us alkalize.

As what we need is a balance of our pH, the ideal is to consume both types of food in a balanced way. As much as possible, foods that acidify us should be avoided. For example, fast foods and processed foods.

How can we eliminate the acidic pH of our body?

Tips to eliminate the acidic pH of our body

In addition to taking food into account, we must also know what agents of environmental factors can influence the pH imbalance. For this reason, highly toxic cleaning and hygiene products should be avoided whenever possible. We must opt ​​for natural or bio alternatives.

Also, it is good to keep in mind some key recommendations to combat acid pH and achieve balance.

The best tips for an acid pH

  • Increase the consumption of green leafy vegetables and consume a green smoothie daily.
  • Get into the good habit of drinking a glass of warm lemon water on an empty stomach every day. Citric acid is a great alkalizer despite being acidic.
  • Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, if possible those that are green leaves and are eaten raw.
  • Avoid consuming processed and fried foods.
  • Avoid consuming refined foods like sugar and flour.
  • Increase the consumption of high quality water, if possible purified water.
  • Choose to clean your home with natural products such as baking soda, lemon, and vinegar.
  • Be very careful when choosing chemical products for beauty and skin care, as these are sometimes toxic. Whenever possible, we should try to use natural products when it comes to hair, skin, teeth care, etc.
  • Increase plant-based foods and include small portions of animal-based foods, but the animal is grass-fed.
  • Start including foods like wheatgrass, barley, seaweed, cayenne, and spirulina in your diet.
  • Prepare a glass of water daily with a teaspoon of baking soda and drink it.

What are you waiting for to modify your diet and lifestyle to regulate the pH? As you can see, it is very easy to eliminate acids from the body and find the balance of our pH. It is enough to modify our lifestyle and diet to alkalize our body and enjoy better health.

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