3 Antioxidant Juices To Combat Premature Aging

Time passes without us noticing, and stress and responsibilities cause signs of aging to appear sooner than we would like.

From the moment we are born we begin to age, but there is a special moment where we realize that it is happening. It is called premature aging if it occurs earlier than expected.

  • The first time someone calls you ma’am or sir, the appearance of the first gray hair or the day we reach our thirties or quarantine.
  • Other people notice the passage of time when they are fatigued doing an activity that they previously enjoyed.
  • Or maybe when they discover themselves in a bar they were regulars with 20 feeling out of place.

Most of us have been through one of these situations.

If you have lived it too, surely you have wondered what to do to combat premature aging.

premature aging

There are many solutions: creams, lotions, cosmetic treatments, even surgical interventions.

However, the key is to take care of yourself inside, since it is in our body where the cells that suffer over time live.

For this, we recommend the increasingly popular antioxidant juices.

There is a wide variety of recipes, but we offer you here the most simple and effective for your purpose.

Are you still with us to discover how to fight the passage of time in the most natural way?

Antioxidant juices to combat premature aging

1. Carrot and asparagus juice


The first of these antioxidant juices contains essential elements to keep our cells young.

Its results will translate into smooth and glowing skin.

If the impurities in it bother you and the cellulite begins to be uncontrollable, this is your drink.

It will be enough to have a daily glass.


  • 4 carrots
  • 10 asparagus
  • 1 stalk of lemongrass


  • Remove the ends of the carrots and chop them.
  • Chop the asparagus.
  • Chop the lemongrass stalk, without the leaves.
  • Put all the ingredients in the blender and process until obtaining a homogeneous juice.

Carrot juice and primrose oil

Carrot juice

Using primrose oil with carrots is a very interesting alternative, since its beta-catorene enhances the properties of the elemental fatty acids that the oil contains.

This is rich in Omega 6 acids, perfect for cell regeneration and the health of our skin.

In addition, it contains vitamin E, whose activity increases the splendor of our dermis.

To facilitate the fusion of the carrot and the oil, we will also add apple.


  • 4 apples
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 tablespoon of primrose oil (15 g)


  • Chop the apples and carrots.
  • Place them in the blender, alternating them.
  • Process for a few minutes, until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Add the tablespoon of primrose oil and stir to blend.

If you opt for this antioxidant juice to combat premature aging, try drinking a glass daily.

Orange juice and strawberries

orange and strawberry

The vitamin C in its ingredients is one of the most powerful tools to create the collagen that the skin needs to dazzle with its smoothness.


  • The juice of an orange
  • 7 strawberries
  • 1 slice of pineapple


  • Get the orange juice and reserve.
  • Chop the strawberries and pineapple to make the smoothie easier.
  • In the blender glass, add the orange juice and the chopped fruits.
  • Process until all the ingredients are well integrated.

In this case, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses a week.

Take care of your emotional state to avoid premature aging

woman drinking a cleansing shake

We mentioned at the beginning that it is important to take care of yourself inside.

This requires acting against the physical with the help of these juices, but also in favor of your mental well-being.

Excessive worries and anxiety modify our cellular structure.

Therefore, it is vital that, if we want to look younger, we take charge of our feelings.

Remember when you had time to waste it and how you filled it up as a teenager?

It is time for you to resume activities that you find enjoyable, that you enjoy. No more. Although it may seem counterintuitive, make an effort to be one hundred percent focused on them. Try to forget the obligations and everything that disturbs you.

You need a few hours for yourself and just for you, whether to dance, play sports, or have a wine with your friends and family. If you follow these tips and drink antioxidant juices to combat premature aging, you will achieve a young and vigorous appearance and body.

The years will not matter, you will always shine as you deserve. Age will not be a problem, but a set of experiences that will give you wisdom and also beauty.

You just have to take care of yourself properly, don’t you think it’s about time?

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