3 Easy And Effective Exercises For Firm Thighs And Calves

You don’t have to go to the gym to do these exercises. It is enough to have a stable box, or you can choose to go up and down stairs whenever possible.

When it comes to the subject of isolated workouts, the calves are usually a muscle group that requires dedication, patience, discipline and consistency, elements that, in the long term, will bring not only a better image, but also positive results for your mental state which will lead you to have a more positive attitude.

Sometimes, we tend not to pay attention to our body, we stop dedicating ourselves to it and with the passage of time, which is usually lethal, we begin to notice sagging in some areas of the skin and a process begins where fat accumulates and we begin to notice the impact in a negative way.

For this reason, it is very important to strive a little more every day and be aware that a balanced, responsible and healthy diet together with exercise are essential, both for health and to achieve a desired figure, but more than that, because a much more stable and healthy lifestyle.

Today, we will show 3 simple exercises that, to be carried out at home, that will allow you to show off firm thighs and calves, as long as you practice them responsibly, including your own rest days.

1. Squats

Without a doubt, one of the best exercises to achieve firmness in the legs is squats. We are going to see 3 levels that will allow us to progress with this exercise.


Level 1

They are very simple to execute, you just have to put your legs shoulder-width apart and, with your back straight, bend your knees, lowering your trunk towards the ground as if you were going to sit down.

When going down, make sure your knees don’t go over the balls of your feet. It is suggested to start with 3 sets of 10 repetitions with 1 minute rest intervals, that is, do 10 squats, rest 1 minute and repeat this process 3 times.

A couple of tips that could help you are: breathe calmly, inhale and exhale while going up and down, you can also use a stopwatch, either from your mobile, one of many apps or from a watch that has the function.

Level 2

In the same position as above, try to lower yourself as far down to the ground as possible, but this time try to stay down for 3-4 seconds before returning to the starting position.

As you do this, hold your breath, tighten your core (abdomen) and tense your legs for that period of 3 or 4 seconds.

Remember to inhale when you squat. Thus, when you come back up, after holding your breath, you will exhale.

Like all the exercises that we execute from the beginning, it is recommended to go from less to more, therefore, you could start with 3 sets of 10 repetitions, with intervals of 1 minute of rest. After about 6 weeks, you can increase to 4 or 5 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions, with intervals of 1 minute to rest.

Finally, stick with the sets and reps, but decrease the rest intervals to 40 seconds, then 30 seconds.

Important: Do not forget to hydrate before, during and after exercises. This will help you keep up.

Level 3

Maintaining the squat position, perform the same exercise but, this time, as you raise your trunk, lift one leg off the ground with the knee bent and then do the same movement with the other. Alternate each leg doing 10 repetitions with each one, that is, you must count to 20. Repeat 3 times with intervals of 1 minute of rest and hydrate your body, do not forget it.

This move may be more complex, but it will allow you to achieve much firmer thighs and calves. We encourage you to perform this level of squats when you master the previous two.

2. Lunges or lunges

This exercise helps to strengthen the thighs and calves, but also works the glutes. It is very complete and recommended by any professional. In this case, we will also have 3 levels.


Level 1

Put one leg in front of the body at a 90 degree angle and the other bent back with the tip of the foot supported. Make sure that the weight is well distributed between both legs and that the torso is firm.

The leg behind the body should be straight, while the front leg is bent. In this position, bend both knees as you lower your torso and make sure your front knee does not extend past the ball of your foot.

While contracting the gluteal muscles, return to the starting position and do the same movement until you complete 15 to 20 repetitions with each leg. You can do 3 sets to start, remember to rest and hydrate.

Level 2

Start with both legs together. Take a big step forward with one of your legs, keeping the ball of the other foot on the ground.

Perform the same movement alternately taking a small jump with each leg and complete 15 to 20 repetitions with each one. You can, like the previous exercises, do 3 sets while you rest 1 minute after each one and drink a sip of water.

Level 3

Perform the same exercise from level 2, but before returning to the starting position, raise your back leg to glute level and try to stay on one leg for about 4-5 seconds. Perform this movement 10 times with each leg. As you progress, you can include more repetitions. Remember the previous tips.

3. Step

In addition to being very easy to practice, the step is an exercise that will allow you to achieve firm thighs and calves. This element is often used in aerobics classes.


Level 1

To do this exercise you must adopt a correct posture in order to work your legs and buttocks well. Make sure your shoulders stay back, relaxed, your chest lifted, and your knees slack.

When stepping up, focus your support at the base of the platform, and when descending, get a good grip on the heel of your foot before taking the next step. Perform this move 20 times. Do 3 sets. Rest and drink water.

Level 2

With your feet shoulder-width apart, stand behind the step platform or high box and squat with your arms back to build strength and speed.

Bring your arms forward and jump over the step, trying to land smoothly with your feet hip-width apart. Stand tall on the step and return to the starting position with a slight movement.

If you don’t have a step platform and don’t have time to go to the gym, don’t forget to go up and down the stairs instead of using the elevator.

We hope these exercises help you get strong thighs and calves. But remember, practice them at least 4-5 times a week. Consistency is one of the biggest keys to success in these exercises. After about 12 weeks, you may start to notice significant differences.

Finally, remember that exercise is part of an important triangle, its other two parts are a good, healthy, responsible and balanced diet with all the macronutrients that the body needs, and a good daily rest of a minimum of 7 or 8 hours.

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