3 Healthy Breakfasts That You Will Love

After so many hours of sleep, during which the body has developed numerous metabolic activities, we need an energetic food to help us start the day. That is why breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and we should never overlook it. It is true that sometimes the rush and our obligations prevent us from being able to sit calmly and take the appropriate nutrients, but we must make a little effort. In this article we present you 3 healthy breakfasts that you will love.

Breakfast: that important meal

Our breakfasts should provide us with approximately 25% of the energy we need to face the day.  It is essential to take the right nutrients to compensate for all the caloric expenditure of the night.

A healthy and balanced breakfast in the morning will help you get out of the house. It should be energetic, rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and liquid. Do not believe any more that false idea that to lose weight, it is better to fast. On the contrary, surely when noon comes we will binge to compensate for the craving, and this is not healthy at all.

So let’s see some simple recipes to make your breakfasts one of the best moments of the day.

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3 healthy breakfasts that you will love

Bowl of cereals and berries



An antioxidant breakfast rich in dietary fiber. Get energized with this delicious blend of protein, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and E, and minerals like sodium and potassium.


1 cup whole wheat instant oatmeal flakes

1/2 cup soy milk or water

1 handful of red fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries

1 handful of nuts


  • Prepare a large bowl or cup and pour in the oatmeal and soy milk or water.
  •  Add the red and dried fruits.
  • Enjoy it slowly and you will feel active and satiated.

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    Whole Wheat Turkey Avocado Sandwich



    I don’t know about you, but I can’t do without my sandwich. No problem because I have this healthy and delicious recipe, where I get the carbohydrates to fill my lack of energy, the healthy fatty acids from the avocado and the protein from the turkey. Combine it with a glass of fresh orange juice.


    Toasted whole wheat bread

    1 slice of cold cuts of turkey

    1 slice of fresh avocado in small pieces

    1 teaspoon of olive oil


    • Place the bread on a plate and place all the ingredients on top in the most appetizing way possible.
    • Cover the sandwich and enjoy it with the juice of two freshly squeezed oranges.

    Fruit salad, toasted with honey and white tea

    fruit salad

    fruit salad

    Honey strengthens the immune system and will help to start our journey. For its part, white tea is a more than wonderful ally to protect us from free radicals. After this breakfast you will be satiated for a longer time and full of vigor.


    Assorted fruits chopped into small pieces (a small kiwi, a small apple, five grapes and two strawberries, for example )

    1 whole wheat toast

    2 teaspoons of honey

    White tea


    • Prepare a small bowl where you will put the pieces of fruit.
    • Next, prepare the toast and drizzle it with the honey.
    • Boil the white tea in a cup of water and let it steep for only 5 minutes.
    • Serve the tea, fruits and toast and taste them well.

    See also: Learn the best benefits of using natural medicine


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