4 Foods Forbidden During Pregnancy

It must be taken into account that during pregnancy there are certain prohibited foods that should not be eaten in order to protect the health of the baby. Pregnancy is a situation in which nutritional requirements are usually increased and therefore we must be careful.

During the first trimester this effect is less, since the energy demands of the embryo are limited. However, as the months go by, it will be necessary to provide a greater number of calories to meet the nutritional needs of the baby growing in the womb. We are going to tell you, then, what these products are and the reasons why you should remove them from the usual diet while you are pregnant.

1. Alcohol is prohibited during pregnancy

One of the foods that you need to restrict if you are pregnant is alcohol. The consumption of this substance, in any of its forms, affects the development of the baby, and may cause malformations or delays in growth.

An investigation carried out with 291 pregnant women concluded that moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy influenced the development and future behavior of the child. That is, there were not only severe physical changes, but also future behavioral disorders.

For this reason, before planning a pregnancy, the presence of this substance in the diet should be restricted. It should be noted that not consuming alcohol can improve fertility, increasing the chances of success.

Alcohol prohibited in pregnancy

2. During pregnancy avoid coffee

Another of the foods that are prohibited during pregnancy is coffee. It is not known with certainty how caffeine can act in the baby’s body, so the most prudent thing is to restrict its use.

Some research, such as that published in the  International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics indicates that caffeine is capable of inducing an abortion, so it is best to avoid it in this period. It is possible to consume coffee, but it is important that it is decaffeinated.

3. Do not eat raw fish in pregnancy

The consumption of raw fish has become popular in recent years, thanks to the eastern currents and its culinary preparations. As a general rule, this type of food does not pose health hazards.

The question changes when it comes to pregnant women. During pregnancy it is necessary to prohibit the consumption of raw fish, since this food is likely to contain bacteria or microorganisms capable of putting the health of the mother and the child at risk.

An example of these microorganisms is the anisakis. This amoeba is capable of generating an anaphylactic reaction, which is dangerous for anyone. Much more for a pregnant woman and her baby.

4. Another forbidden food: large fish

Pregnant women have to be especially careful with the intake of heavy metals. These elements could reach the baby through the placenta, causing damage to development.

According to research published in the journal Environment International , a  baby’s exposure to mercury during pregnancy is related to a delay in language learning. Hence, it is necessary to prohibit the consumption of large fish for pregnant women, since these animals are more likely to contain large amounts of mercury in their adipose tissue.

However, the intake of fish is beneficial during all stages of life, for this reason it is recommended to eat those of small size in the case of pregnant women. These foods have omega 3 fatty acids in their composition that are linked to a better development of the baby and a reduction in cardiovascular risk in the mother.

Large fish and heavy metals

Ban certain foods during pregnancy to minimize risks

As we have seen, there are some foods that are forbidden during pregnancy. The purpose of these restrictions is to safeguard the health of the mother and the baby that develops within her. Nutrition is essential throughout life, but at this particular time it could significantly affect the health of the child, both in the womb and in adulthood.

For this reason, we recommend that you follow the advice that we have shared with you. Also, if you have any questions, you can go to a nutrition professional. This specialist will help you plan a balanced diet that meets your needs during this period, reducing risks and ensuring the correct development of the baby.

Remember the importance of avoiding toxins, such as tobacco or alcohol. These substances can cause fatal health outcomes for the child. And when choosing a fish, lean towards the smallest, which have a lower concentration of heavy metals inside.

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