4 Keys To Speed Up Metabolism At Night

Improving the health of the microbiota can help improve metabolism and reduce the risk of overweight and obesity.

Do you want to lose weight in a healthy way, but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, because below we will give you 4 keys to speed up your metabolism during the night and to improve your quality of life.

Losing weight and defining the muscle mass of the body can be very difficult if you do not consider the importance of accelerating the metabolism. In this process, many people make the mistake of following strict and demanding diets believing that it is the solution.

Eating several times a day may be effective to put your metabolism to work. However, it is not worth eating anything. The key is knowing how to choose foods and combine them properly. To this you must add physical exercise, as it is essential to activate the metabolism.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the set of reactions by which nutrients are transformed into energy. These are physical and chemical processes that occur in the cells of the body.

The nutrients that come from the food we eat are converted into the energy we need to carry out all daily activities.

Accelerate metabolism.

The process would be the following:

  • First, you eat a food.
  • Digestive enzymes then convert proteins into amino acids, fats into fatty acids, and carbohydrates into glucose.
  • These components then travel to cells.
  • Finally, other enzymes process them and, along with other chemical reactions, energy is released or stored.

Slow metabolism

The speed of this process depends on many factors. A slow or fast metabolism can be the result of genetic characteristics or, precisely, of a good or bad diet. This is where the calories in the food you eat come into play.

  • The energy provided by the products you consume is measured in calories.
  • The body is a machine that needs calories to work.
  • However, when you eat more than you need, they are stored as fat, which is when you gain weight.
  • When fat accumulates, your metabolism starts to slow down and you start to feel fatigued and tired.

4 keys to speed up metabolism at night

In view of all the above, it is clear that it is essential to leave bad habits behind. The strategies to achieve this are many, and here we are going to teach you, specifically, how to accelerate the metabolism at night.

1. Improves the health of the microbiota

The intestinal microbiota can significantly influence the digestion and absorption of nutrients. An alteration of the same is linked to an increased risk of obesity, according to a study published in the European Journal of Internal medicine.

For this reason, the consumption of yogurts is recommended on a regular basis. Anyway, it is necessary to choose those that do not contain simple sugars in their composition.

Healthy dinner.

Find out: Are the sugars in fruits harmful?

2. Chicken, celery and other foods for your dinner

To speed up the metabolism at night, during dinner you can add the following foods:

  • Chicken breast. It is an excellent source of protein. In addition, it is low in fat and contains few calories.
  • Red beet. It is an ideal diuretic vegetable to help you burn fat and satisfy your appetite. It also has a vasodilator effect, protective against heart disease, according to a study published in 2018.
  • Celery. Contains large amounts of water. It has diuretic properties, so eating it at night makes digestion easier.
  • Hake. It is rich in protein and contains omega 3, so it will help to activate the metabolism.
  • Chilli Peppers. They are antioxidants and, due to their capsaicin content, help burn fat.

3. Exercise to prepare your body for rest

During the night, the metabolism continues to function. Therefore, even if you sleep, your body continues to eliminate toxins and carry out hormonal regulation processes. Therefore, it is essential that you sleep well and rest daily. But to tire the body, you must first exercise at some point during the day.

  • During the day, be physically active. It will help speed up your metabolism and release stress from your daily routine.
  • A good hot bath will relax you and prepare you for a good night’s sleep.
  • Only if you’re already in shape, a high intensity interval routine can help boost your metabolism more effectively.

People in the gym doing aerobic exercise.

4. To achieve a restful sleep, drink a rose tea

Rose tea is a natural remedy that can provide great benefits to speed up the metabolism at night. It is an antioxidant that helps activate metabolism and burn fat. It also has cleansing properties and is a natural laxative.

Drink it after dinner because it is also a good digestive tonic. It will relax you, you will sleep well and, at the same time, it will help to speed up your metabolism.

Healthy lifestyle habits are the keys to losing weight

Remember that to lose weight, improve your physical condition and stay in shape while gaining well-being, you must lead a healthy lifestyle.  Keep in mind that your metabolism will not improve if you do not have enough water, do not eat a balanced diet, do physical exercise or abandon bad habits.

Reducing weight will help you improve your health and reduce the risk of suffering from a complex pathology in the medium term. For these reasons, start now to include these types of healthy habits in your day to day.

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