4 Reasons Why Garlic Is Good For Your Liver

Garlic supplements are one of the best-selling products in the United Kingdom and the United States. The population trusts in its benefits and the pharmaceutical industry knows it.

Now, instead of self-medicating or resorting to these pharmacological supplements, it may be healthier to introduce natural garlic into our diet, in a balanced way.

Medicine supports the beneficial properties of garlic for our body, and especially for our liver health. Find out what a clove of garlic a day can do for your liver.  We give you 4 good reasons!

Garlic is the best natural antibiotic


Woman with a garlicAccording to numerous scientific studies, it is accepted that  garlic has antibiotic properties. It is not as effective as a drug in this regard, but the following must be taken into account:

  • The simple fact of introducing it into our diet in a regular and controlled way can provide a protective effect.
  • Garlic is rich in allicin, a  component rich in sulfur that is very beneficial for our liver, as it has antioxidant, antibiotic and antifungal properties.
  • Thanks to allicin, the blood vessels of the liver are relaxed and we  strengthen the tissues with the action of antioxidants.  In addition, with that small but adjusted dose of natural antibiotic we protect it against the attack of toxins and bacteria.

Reduces excess triglycerides

To better understand one of the most powerful actions of garlic on our liver, we will talk about the role of lipoproteins:

  • The liver synthesizes lipoproteins to facilitate the movement of fats and cholesterol.  Our body needs an adequate level of cholesterol in the blood to fulfill many basic functions.
  • Lipoproteins are made from triglycerides.  Both play a very important role in energy and fat metabolism.

However, if our diet is inadequate, if we consume too many  fats rich in cholesterol, there will be a saturation of this compound in the liver.

Over time,  an excess of lipoproteins can lead to liver problems, such  as fatty liver.

Regular consumption of garlic can better purify excess fat and cholesterol,  which favors the function of lipoproteins.

Garlic protects us from the toxic impact of our liver

The liver is a very sophisticated laboratory  with multiple functions; but this does not mean that it is infallible or capable of always protecting itself from the toxic agents that inhabit it.

Head of garlicThese agents that can cause toxicity are, among others:

  • Unhealthy elements contained in our food.
  • Medications that the liver cannot synthesize.
  • The effects of the pollution that we receive every day.
  • Natural toxins such as bilirubin, a waste product of red blood cells that can cause hepatitis.

    Faced with an excess or an accumulation of fats, cholesterol or chemicals from processed foods, the liver becomes saturated and sick.

    Now, according to a work published in The Internet Journal of Nutrition and Wellness, the consumption of fresh garlic manages to reverse the oxidative stress that causes liver toxicity.

    Thanks to its metabolites, amino acids and proteins,   the liver can be protected from many of these toxins.

    Garlic and liver cancer

    Liver cancer is one of the longest lives in the world. Its high incidence and the fact that it tends to be asymptomatic in the early stages forces medical institutions to develop research to address this problem.

    Cancer cell

    Currently, there are no conclusive studies that show that the consumption of garlic cures or prevents 100% of liver cancer. However, it can offer some protection:

    • As published in the Journal of Nutrition Biochemistry,  garlic has anticancer compounds that can promote cell death from malignant tumors.
    • Also, the garlic strengthens our immune system, which can become a bit more resistant to these diseases. However, and as we have pointed out, more research is needed to reach a definitive conclusion.

    Finally, we recommend consuming fresh garlic before the supplements that you can find in pharmacies.

    The most appropriate thing is to take between 2 and 4 cloves of garlic a day. The first as soon as you get up, while the rest you can introduce it naturally into your usual dishes. Worth it!

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