5 Conditions Of Good Love

Are you looking for a partner and don’t want to fall into the same mistakes of the past? Then you may be interested in knowing some of the conditions of what we will call good love.

Good love is one that can be considered healthy, the one that helps you grow and mature. It is one where both members of the relationship are added, they are never subtracted. With this clear, it is necessary that you have your eyes wide open, since a toxic relationship can lead to damage that is difficult to heal.

5 conditions to build a good love


1. Good love: a “we” is made up of a “you” and a “me”

Good love is characterized by respecting the independence of the other person. When this does not exist, there is no “you” and no “me.” Only one “we”, therefore, if it disappears, we cease to exist.

Spending time as a couple is important, but we all need moments alone to explore our interests, to get to know each other better, and thus be able to make the right decisions. We are entitled to our personal space and that is something that healthy couples know.

A person who depends on another is not loving her well, but is needing her. She needs it to affirm that someone may love her or to convince herself that she is not going to be alone. Dependency relationships can destroy and leave your members badly damaged.

  • In good love, each individual can have his own identity, which he never loses when he forms a “we”.

2. I accept you as you are

There may be aspects of the other that we do not like. However, we decided to be together and form a relationship. At first you did not care too much about those issues, but as time goes by they squeak at you and you try to tell your partner how to act.

For a healthy relationship to be established, one of the most important things is not to try to change and make the other an ideal partner. We have to accept these differences. When we are faced with good love, they accept us as we are, without wanting to guide us and even less to manipulate us.

At the moment when this is not fulfilled, the good love has disappeared and only the expectations remain, the hopes of changes that will not work and the manipulative attitudes that will damage the entire relationship.

3. I need time to get to know you

Couple with mobile phones.

We can accept that there may be love at first sight, but to get to know the person with whom we want to share our life well we need time. Good things take hold, there is no need to speed up the relationship.

It is important to seize the moment, and everything will come naturally. Don’t force the other person to be on the same rung as you in the relationship. Do not demand that they behave the same or offer the same affection. This can overwhelm you.

On the other hand, that person may lie or cheat on you. Therefore, we do not think that we know everything about each other lightly. Let’s give ourselves time, especially to overcome that phase of falling in love so beautiful, but that causes us so much blindness.

4. You and I are responsible for the relationship

Responsibility is something fundamental that many couples do not take into account. And it is that building and moving forward the relationship is a matter of two. When in a couple the members are not responsible, this can be seen in the guilt they charge the other, the dependence they profess and even the lack of respect that they address.

Good love knows that both members of the relationship are responsible for it. Therefore, it is useless to seek guilt or depend on the other: when each one has an individual responsibility with the relationship.

5. Love is watered every day

Couple holding hands.

At times, we believe that we have found good love, when in fact we have made the worst mistake: believing that the couple was an end, a goal of which we feel victorious.

When we believe this, the moment we get the person we love to be by our side, we accommodate ourselves. It is inevitable that routine will take over our relationship, but in love we should not take anything for granted. Love is watered every day, and if it is not done like this, it ends up withering and, later, dying.

If you are looking for love or are open to the possibility of finding a partner, keep these conditions in mind if you want to live a responsible, healthy relationship that makes you happy. Sometimes, we make certain mistakes of which we are not aware, but to which we should open our eyes so as not to fall into them again.

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