5 Keys To Stop Being Proud

Do they often tell you that you are too proud? Do your friends and family always blame you for how stubborn you are when it comes to asking for forgiveness? If so, this is your article.

Stop being proud is not easy for a person who is not used to asking for forgiveness. Erroneously, they may believe that doing so means humiliating themselves, prostrating themselves at the feet of the other and losing their dignity. Therefore, although apologizing may seem like a simple skill, it is actually something quite complex and difficult for all those people who put their own self-perception before any type of negative criticism.

If you want to stop being proud, today we will give you some keys that will improve your relationships and allow you to feel better about yourself.

Keys to stop being proud

Dandelion benefits.

1. You have not failed

Often times, people who are proud have a very idealized self-image. It is something that makes them think that asking for forgiveness can make others believe that they have failed. In this way, they refuse to do so because they consider that they would cease to be perfect. However, we are all human beings, we all make mistakes and make mistakes.

To stop being proud, you have to embrace imperfection, allowing yourself to be more flexible and loving with yourself. You don’t need to push yourself so hard. Here we are all perfectly imperfect.

2. To stop being proud, be more empathetic

Pride can sometimes make you less empathetic, putting a thick veil away from understanding what others are feeling. However, if you remove that veil from the fear of failure and not being perfect, you will realize how other people need your forgiveness. Also, you will see yourself instead.

When someone makes a mistake, we appreciate that you acknowledge it and sincerely apologize. It feels great. Why don’t you try it?

3. Write your apology on a piece of paper

Woman writing an apology

Perhaps, not being used to it, you don’t know where to start to apologize. So if you feel more confident, write your apology. You don’t have to stress too much. You will see that, if you let your hand write, it alone will guide you to the correct, sincere words that will have the desired effect.

It is not necessary that you extend too much, since a simple “I’m sorry how I spoke to you, I was angry with my boss and I paid it with you” is enough. However, having written and reflected on your apology will allow you to become familiar with it and feel more confident when expressing it.

4. Free yourself from shame

Many times, even having done the above, we find a barrier that prevents us from saying “I’m sorry” freely and without feeling that we are going to suffer doing it.

Shame is one of the most limiting feelings that prevent you from doing something you want, but from what you block yourself. Therefore, to stop being proud, you need to reflect on that feeling of shame.

Find out where it comes from and how to successfully combat it.

5. Observe what you feel and your way of acting

Woman thinking looking at the sea.

To stop being proud, the last step you have to take is to see yourself as if you were witnessing a specific situation in which your best friend makes a mistake. Imagine that he tells you that he is embarrassed to apologize. What would you say? Would you see apologizing to someone as impossible and humiliating?

When a new perspective is adopted, many things change. So, observe how you feel and how you act to realize the beliefs and motives that are preventing you from truly asking for forgiveness.

You may discover that the limitations you put on yourself were the result of negative experiences that have long since been left behind. Now is the time to learn.

Apologizing is a sign of emotional maturity

Are you too proud and stubborn a person? By being aware of this and facing the fears that approach you every time you have to apologize or apologize for something, you will get out of this loop full of insecurity.

All of us, at some point, have been proud. However, the key is knowing how to admit mistakes and give others the apologies they deserve.

Put yourself in their shoes, remember a time when someone apologized to you and just do it yourself. You will see how good you feel and how much you learn.

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