5 Reasons Why Magnesium Improves Brain Abilities

Magnesium is that vital nutrient that almost everyone talks about, that multipurpose mineral that seems to be the key to our well-being.

This is no exaggeration, since magnesium is of indispensable importance in a large part of the biochemical reactions of the human body, to the point that up to 300 enzymatic processes are carried out thanks to it, including something essential: the production of energy.

Now, what if we told you that this mineral is also key to our psychological well-being?

This is undoubtedly an interesting fact that is worth noting: patients with major depression, for example, benefit greatly from magnesium-based supplements.

Also those who suffer from anxiety disorders, dysthymia, seizures, ataxias or episodes of psychosis have seen their quality of life improve to the point of increasing the chances of recovery.

Today in our space we want to explain to you how magnesium is able to improve our mental health, even increasing our well-being and brain capacities.

1. Magnesium improves our memory


Something that we read very often is that almost half of the population of industrialized countries does not consume the basic and essential doses of magnesium.

  • This deficit has its impact especially when we reach a certain age. At that stage, many of our cognitive functions begin to become less agile.
  • Something interesting that should be taken into account is that magnesium enhances the synapses that are located in the hippocampus, that brain structure that helps us retain long-term memories.
  • Likewise, this mineral also fulfills an essential function in the prefrontal cortex.
  • Thanks to magnesium, the brain can recover those memories classified as short-term (such as where we left the keys, turn off the oven, buy that important thing…).

    Magnesium also strengthens the synaptic nerve endings responsible for transmitting and consolidating information, memories, data …

    2. Magnesium improves our learning

    Many of us may think that the ability to learn is lost over time. It is clear that the learning potential is not the same in a 3-year-old child as in a 70-year-old. However, we must see the brain for what it really is: an organ with incredible capacity.

    • Its plasticity, its possibilities to establish new connections never end, that is, if we exercise it and take care of it like a muscle it will guarantee us to reach advanced ages in good condition.
    • One way to achieve this is by consuming magnesium supplements.
    • Thanks to this mineral we facilitate communication between nerve cells, improve our memory, our mood and make us much more receptive to new information.

      3. It allows us to reduce stress


      When we suffer stress, our body has an excess of cortisol in the blood. This excess cortisol damages a very specific brain structure: the hippocampus. This damage causes us to have memory lapses, it is difficult for us to concentrate and our negative emotions to intensify.

      Now, it is interesting to know that magnesium also acts on our hormones to the point of reducing cortisol and controlling the response to stress.

      4. Magnesium can prevent Alzheimer’s

      Magnesium by itself will not prevent a person from developing Alzheimer’s disease at any given time. However, it can act as a protector reducing its development by an interesting probability. What this mineral does, for example, is prevent the accumulation of amyloid plaque in the hippocampus region of the brain.

      5. Magnesium reduces anxiety

      8 reasons for magnesium deficiency

      We have all gone through those times in which the mind seems to go faster than the present itself, we feel accelerated and any stimulus, any event explodes on us making us lose control.

      Everything overwhelms us, we experience nervousness, insomnia and great exhaustion. These periods of anxiety could be prevented by better managing our day-to-day life and also taking care of our magnesium levels.

      The organ that needs the most energy is the brain, which is why it requires high doses of magnesium. To improve our state in case we suffer an intense time of anxiety, nothing better than to carry out the magnesium diet.

      That is, we must consume foods rich in this mineral and consult our doctor about whether or not to take supplements and the recommended doses. Little by little, and after a few weeks, we will notice how our cognitive capacity improves, muscle tension is reduced and we feel much more focused on the here and now.

      Do not hesitate, therefore, to improve your diet and to remember that magnesium is an essential mineral for humans, and key to the electrical conduction of every cell in the body. A magnesium deficiency, therefore, could be behind more than one of the diseases that we can suffer at this very moment.

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