5 Relationships That Ruin Your Relationship

Feeling love and achieving a relationship in which you feel valued and reciprocated  is one of the greatest pleasures that life gives us .

Although you feel perfectly with your better half, it is possible that a third person affects the communication.  In fact, it can even cause serious problems.

The reasons are diverse. Sometimes it will be jealousy, sometimes it will be  Important people who demand time and attention without realizing that they damage your relationship.

Let’s see it

1. Your mother-in-law

The idea that mothers intrude in our relationships is a popular one. In fact, this relationship can be very difficult in most cases. There are people who already have enough difficulties in accepting their own parents …

On the one hand, you and your partner will want to give value to your  relationship and support each other. On the other hand, mom will always be a special and important being. In this case,  it is best to be patient. Think about how you are going to feel when your children have a partner.

In the long run, if you do it well and with respect, you will establish an excellent relationship with your partner’s mother. Mind you, set limits and stick with it. Some mothers-in-law are usually a bit more complicated than others, and patience is required.

2. The friend from work

jealousy with coworkers

In your workplace you have a good atmosphere, you support each other, you go out to eat together and have a good time.

However, when you start a relationship, things change. Thus, this change can cause conflicts.

L What you should do is try not to talk excessively about your colleague at home, and not go out on dates alone with that person, especially if they are of the opposite sex. 

The reality is that jealousy is a sensitive topic. Balance things out and ask yourself if you would feel comfortable if your partner dated the same person of the opposite sex.

3.- The best friend

You can not deny it. You are familiar with feeling jealousy of your husband’s best friend, and it sure happens to him with you. Most of the time you see that your partner feels much more comfortable and loose when he talks to her.

At this point, a series of doubts begin to go through your head that make this one of the relationships that ruin your relationship. There comes a time when you are sure that something is not right.

The fundamental thing in this case is to maintain good communication with your partner. You should let him know what is bothering you, and not create a tense situation out of the blue . He will know how to define the appropriate limits to avoid worries.

Don’t forget that you should apply the same to yourself. Give your partner time and space.

4. Your pet

Although it sounds strange, it is also part of the relationships that can ruin your relationship.

It mostly occurs when the pet is owned by only one and not both. . By owning an animal, you give and demonstrate unconditional love that can never be compared to the love of a married couple.

Sometimes it is easier for your partner to give their pet their attention than to have to deal with the problems of daily life.

The sign that this affects your relationship is that it takes away your partner’s space in bed or that you may become more affectionate with the animal than with your sentimental partner, for example.

5. The coach

The movement of bodies and the release of hormones caused by exercise causes the endorphins flow. Therefore, the gym is the perfect place to find a partner, unless, of course, you already have a serious relationship.

Your partner might feel jealous when seeing that you share a lot of conversations with your personal trainer.  If you want to maintain a healthy relationship, you must make it clear that it is only a professional relationship.

We will not suggest that you change your coach, because trust is vital. But how about including your partner in the routine? Surely in the end he realizes that the coach is just as nice to everyone.

Limits and trust, the key to success in a relationship

When you join your life with another person, that partner becomes part of your family. In fact, you should prioritize the time you spend in their company.

We know that work, children and your routines are important, but we remind you that you decided to join for life and that, from now on, it will be your old age companion.

Do not allow these relationships to separate you from whoever demands your presence. It will be necessary to know how to set limits, communicate and trust.

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