5 Surprising Things That Happen To Your Body When You Fall In Love

No one can deny that when you fall in love everything changes. In fact, there are people who spend their lives looking to find love over and over again because they want to experience those emotions as much as possible.

But why this? Just about that topic we will talk next. You will discover that love has more to do with the chemistry of your brain and less with the heart itself.

What happens when you fall in love?

1. Your adrenaline levels increase considerably

when you fall in love

Have you noticed that when you fall in love you feel anxiety and that your heart beats uncontrollably when you see or are with that special someone? Well,  all that is due to adrenaline.

Yes, that same substance that makes you practice extreme sports or that puts you in motion when the body detects that you are at risk. Without a doubt, falling in love has less risk than going out on a motorcycle at full speed.

Although your adrenaline levels do get a bit high, it is unlikely that you will end up with any serious problems. Just monitor your behavior and analyze if you are not ending your relationships just to feel the adrenaline rush in your body again .

The latter is unhealthy and you should avoid it as much as possible. It is normal that after a few months, the sensations calm down and everything takes a relative normality.

2. You will be better able to cope with stress

Do you have a very busy and stressful life? So, you will be delighted to know that when you fall in love your body also releases cortisol. This chemical improves your reaction against stress, and you have surely already experienced it.

The clearest symptom is that suddenly you find yourself smiling when before you would be furious, paralyzed or on the verge of crying . This is not because your partner is a gentleman who came to save you, but because your body is slightly anesthetized.

If you have been dealing with periods of stress or psychological disorders that make you feel sad occasionally, it is important that you do not stop taking your medications. Even if you feel much better, the reality is that it is a fleeting sensation and will gradually diminish.

3. You will feel very sexy and more ready for sex

when you fall in love

Although sexual desire can appear at any time, when you fall in love the released dopamine awakens that intensity.

This too it will help you to be safer with yourself, with your body and with your physique . For this reason, this is a good time to make changes that help you look better and more beautiful.

Something you must take into account is that this desire for adventure and sensuality is not eternal. Many couples focus only on sex and then end when the euphoria wears off.

It is important that you understand these changes and that you work the relationship in less intense, but more lasting aspects such as:

  • Common habits.
  • Honest communication.
  • Creation of special moments.

This way, when dopamine drops, they’ll still have things to keep them together if that’s what they want.

It is also important that the disposition for sex does not make you lose control. That is, always have safe sex and do not put yourself at risk.

4. Fear is no longer a problem

A side effect of the adrenaline released when you fall in love is that you dare to do things that seemed unthinkable to you. You just feel more ready and willing to experience things with that person now.

This is a good time to create special memories with your new one, as well as to get out of what is making you uncomfortable. Just be very careful not to make too serious decisions without analyzing them first . It is fine that you decide to take that balloon trip that you wanted so much, but take the decision to tattoo the name of your new partner calmly.

Contrary to what you may think, fears are not entirely negative. The function of fear is to help you detect potentially risky situations. Of course, sometimes it can appear nonsensical, but there are also well- founded fears and you must learn to tell the difference.

5. You will feel discomfort when you are away from your new partner

Since a kind of addiction is generated to be with your partner, it is normal to feel discomfort or insecurity when they are away. This effect is what keeps you awake at night thinking about that special someone and what they can cause jealousy uncontrollable.

Have you noticed these problems? In that case, give yourself time to analyze what is happening and work on it. Remember that love should make you feel good and not worried.

This effect is very rare because on the one hand you will feel sexier and capable of doing anything. On the other hand, you also want to keep in touch with that person all the time.

And good? Have you noticed that you experience these situations when you fall in love?

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