5 Tricks To Relieve Your Constipation

In addition to hydrating, a glass of warm or hot water on an empty stomach can help us solve this condition.

Constipation is a symptom of decreased frequency of bowel movements, usually because they contain less water than normal. If you want to know how to relieve your constipation, keep reading because we are going to discuss some tricks that could help you complement the guidelines that your doctor gives you.

Relieving your constipation is possible with the help of some natural remedies and items available in virtually any kitchen. Take note!

Tricks to relieve your constipation: a way to improve your lifestyle

First of all, you should know that to alleviate your constipation it is necessary that you modify certain habits. For example, if you are not used to drinking too much water, it is time for you to start changing that. Also, do you know if you are getting enough fiber every day?

On the other hand, did you know that, in some cases, constipation can be caused by certain medications? Anxiolytics or antidepressants can cause it, as this study points out. So, if you take this type of medication (or others) continuously, it is important that you inform yourself well about its effects with your GP. It is likely that the professional will make several recommendations so that you can continue with the treatment without major problems.

Let’s now look at some tips that can help you both avoid constipation and alleviate it. Be careful, for these tips to take effect, you must put them into practice for at least a month. If you do it for less time, it will be difficult for you to get good results.

1. Drink water

Bottled water or tap water: which is healthier?

While it is true that in general it is essential to consume enough water a day, if you suffer from constipation, you have to be even more attentive to hydration.

Drink two to four glasses of warm water when you feel constipated. If you’ve been constipated for several days, drink hot water every morning right after you wake up. In general, you should drink at least 10 glasses of warm water every day. Water is one of the best fluids that remove waste and toxins from the body. Other drinks, such as juices and sodas, cannot be compared to water as they tend to contain a lot of sugar, which can make constipation worse.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables every day

Since constipation can be the result of excessive consumption of fats, refined sugar, and unhealthy foods such as ultra-processed foods, it is recommended that you consume more foods rich in fiber, such as whole grains, bran, fruits and vegetables. Also, if your doctor sees fit, you could consider taking a fiber supplement.

Eat fruits, vegetables, and other high-fiber foods to increase your daily fiber intake amount. Eat at least 24 to 38 grams of fiber a day. You can also be guided by the recommendations made by Harvard University experts in this regard.

Keep in mind that dietary fiber cannot be digested by enzymes in the human body, so it is not absorbed into the bloodstream. Thus, the fiber remains in the colon, where it absorbs water and softens the stool.

Some foods high in fiber are raspberries, pears, and apples; wholemeal pasta (cooked), barley (cooked) and bran; chickpeas (cooked), black beans (cooked), and lentils (cooked); artichokes (cooked), peas (cooked) and broccoli.

3. Drink coffee in moderation

Many people consider coffee to be a quick fix to relieve constipation. This is because the caffeine in coffee can stimulate the muscles of the digestive system causing a bowel movement.

On the other hand, coffee is also a diuretic, which means that it reduces the moisture in the stool, making it more difficult to pass. Doctors recommend avoiding diuretics like coffee, alcohol, cola, and a little tea for this reason.

picture of a living room with a cup of hot tea

4. Eat plums

Eat four plums or drink two glasses of prune juice. Plums are rich in fiber and contain sorbitol, a loosening stool sugar that naturally helps ease your constipation. Sorbitol is a mild colon stimulant that helps reduce stool transit time and thus lower the risk of constipation.

If you don’t like the wrinkled texture or unique flavor of prunes, prune juice may be a more acceptable alternative.

It starts working in a few hours, so it is important to first drink a glass and see the result obtained before trying another, as otherwise you run the risk of diarrhea.

Keep in mind that prunes have 14.7 grams of sorbitol per 100 grains, while prune juice has 6.1 grams per 100 grams.

You will have to drink more prune juice to get the same health benefits because prunes are processed and contain additional sugars.

5. Exercise

Sport and physical activity

If possible, avoid sitting for more than 10 minutes and keep your body moving. Moderate physical exercise is best, but even a 30-minute walk will help promote healthy bowel movements.

Joining a gym can be a good way to force yourself to exercise. However, there are other ways like running a bit in the morning or going for a walk every day. You choose what suits you best.

We encourage you to put all of these habits into practice because they will help relieve your constipation. If there is something that works for you, tell us!

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