5 Uses Of Lemon Essential Oil In Your Home

The many uses of lemon essential oil have been exploited both in natural medicine and in various household tasks. Although many of its active principles are used in industrial products, there are those who prefer to use it in its pure state.

In fact, today it is one of the most popular ecological cleaning products, since its antiseptic properties help to disinfect any surface. In addition, it stands out for its delicious citrus aroma that can deodorize those spaces with unpleasant odors.

Precisely, this time we want to review its main domestic applications. Since we know that some have not yet used it, we want to explain in detail several uses that can facilitate the tasks of the house. Discover them!

The best uses of lemon essential oil in your home

Lemon essential oil is a natural ingredient that is obtained from the peel of this citrus fruit through a steam distillation method. Due to its concentration of nutrients and antioxidants, it has served as the basis for many products.

Lemon essential oil

In this particular case we want to share the ways to use it at home, as it is a great alternative to many chemical cleaning supplies. Best of all, it serves a variety of tasks and does not pose a health risk to the family. Don’t hesitate to try it!

1. Multipurpose disinfectant

One of the most popular uses of lemon essential oil is to disinfect various surfaces. Due to its concentration of antimicrobial and antiseptic compounds, it is a great solution to kill bacteria and microorganisms in places like the kitchen or bathroom.


  • 40 drops of lemon essential oil.
  • 20 drops of tea tree essential oil.
  • ½ cup of distilled water (125 ml).


  • Add the oils to a bowl and mix them with half a cup of water.
  • Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.

How to use

  • Spray the liquid on the surface you want to clean and wipe it off with a clean cloth.

2. Natural air freshener

Commercial air fresheners contain chemicals that can be harmful to respiratory health. Therefore, in order not to run any kind of risk, it is convenient to make a delicious citrus air freshener with lemon essential oil.

Lemon air freshener


  • 20 drops of lemon essential oil.
  • 10 drops of lavender oil (optional).
  • ½ cup of warm water (125 ml).


  • Add all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until well combined.
  • Then pack them in a spray bottle for ease of use.

    How to use

    • Spray the air freshener all over the spaces you want to scent.
    • Use it up to 2 times a day.

    3. Carpet cleaner

    This is one of the most interesting lemon essential oil uses. Since its components help to eliminate mites, it is an excellent alternative to clean carpets. In addition, combined with other ingredients it helps remove stains and dirt.


    • 6 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (90 ml).
    • 5 tablespoons of white vinegar (75 ml).
    • 20 drops of lemon essential oil.
    • 2 cups of hot water (500 ml).


    • Add all the ingredients in a bowl and combine until well combined.

    How to use:

    • Spray the solution on the carpet and scrub it with a soft brush.
    • Let it act for 30 minutes and rinse.

    4. Wood and silver polisher

    Clean wood

    Wood and silver items often take on a dull appearance due to accumulation of dust and dirt. Luckily, thanks to the natural acids in lemon essential oil, we can restore its shine in a matter of minutes.

    How to use

    • Take the jewelry or wooden objects and apply lemon essential oil to them.
    • Then let it act for a few minutes and rub it with a clean cloth.

    5. Dishwasher

    The astringent and antimicrobial power of lemon essential oil is useful to replace the conventional dishwasher. Its citric acid acts as a “grease remover , helping to remove those residues that are left on kitchen utensils.


    • ½ cup of white vinegar (125 ml).
    • 1 tablespoon of coarse salt (15 g).
    • ½ cup of water (125 ml).
    • 30 drops of lemon essential oil.


    • Add all the ingredients in the blender and process them until you get a homogeneous product.

    How to use:

    • Apply the product on a sponge and use it like any other dishwasher.

      Still not using lemon essential oil in your home? Now that you know how useful it is, do not hesitate to buy it in herbal or cosmetic stores. Of course, make sure it is 100% natural, since the essences do not have the same properties.

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