6 Tips That Will Help You Have A Restful Sleep After A Day At Work

To achieve a restful sleep, it is essential to know how to disconnect from the worries and tasks of the day. How to do it?

Sleeping and waking up rested is one of the most comforting sensations there is. However, perhaps this does not happen to you often. Would you like to enjoy a good night’s sleep ? So, don’t miss the following tips.

Some people do not get a good rest and develop health problems, such as sleep disorders. These are produced by stress, anxiety, consumption of some medicine or other reasons.

Bad sleep after a hard workday is a bad habit that has spread due to the demands of today’s society. For this reason, solutions must be found to improve these hours of rest. Do you dare to start looking for them?

How to get a good night’s sleep?

Following the guidelines offered by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, we offer you some tips to help you get a good night’s sleep after a day at work. Do not hesitate to put them into practice!

1. Create a habit

The first thing to achieve a good night’s sleep is to create a new habit. How can you do it? Choosing a set time at night to go to bed.

Woman with wide eyes in bed

In this way, you will send a signal to the brain to warn it that it is time to sleep . But it is important that you make sure to respect the same time each day.

2. Relaxation

There are several forms of relaxation. One of them is to take a few minutes to do some breathing exercises; taking air through the nose and expelling it through the mouth. Like this for ten minutes.

In this way, you will be reducing stress and anxiety from both the mind and the body. In addition, you will give harmony to the soul.


Another exercise that you can put into practice is to count down from one hundred. Between each number, pause to say to yourself: “relax.

You may not realize the number you reached because, when you come back to reality, it will already be in the morning.

3. Aromatherapy for a restful sleep

This is an age-old technique that has been endorsed by the British Association of Critical Care Nurses. In this study carried out in 2017, 60 patients admitted to the ICU and with difficulties sleeping well managed to relax; thus obtaining a better rest thanks to lavender oil.

That is, the aromatic oils will help you achieve a restful sleep. To do this, take a little on the index fingers and smear it behind the ears, in the cervical area and on the temple; doing light massages with closed eyes.

Among the most recommended oils are:

  • Chamomile.
  • Lavender.
  • Tangerine.
  • Eucalyptus.

4. A harmonic room

The room is the temple, that place to rest at home. Therefore, the setting of this space must be as harmonious as possible. Keep it orderly, with impeccable hygiene and try to avoid the entry of light or noise.


To do this, place thick fabric curtains on the windows. This will enliven the entrance of those sounds that may disturb the rest.

However, if noise or light cannot be eliminated, wear hypoallergenic earplugs and masks for a quick and effective solution.

5. Light meal

Dinner is the last meal of the day, so we recommend that it be light and low in calories. Since, if you eat a lot of food at night, the digestive system will work for a longer time in the digestion process.

Eat salad for a healthy diet.

At the same time, it is not advisable to drink too much liquid. Since, according to a study carried out by several students from the Rovira i Virgili University (Tarragona), you could wake up every so often to go to the bathroom and that would stop the sleep chain repeatedly.

Instead, try drinking warm milk or a cup of tea with a little sugar.

6. Inner peace

To get a good night’s sleep, seek inner peace.

It is true that work is sustenance, and that you also have to dedicate time to home, family and friends. However, if you go to bed with these thoughts in your head, plus the pending activities to do, it will be difficult for you to sleep well.

to sleep

So take time to relax and find inner peace. Thus, you can wake up the next day full of energy, with a positive attitude and ready to take over the world.

Try to have a restful sleep every day

As you have seen, getting a good rest after a hard day’s work will depend above all on acquiring a series of healthy habits. Therefore, get used to including these tips in a daily routine and you will notice the difference.

However, if you can’t see any changes, see your doctor to explain the situation. In this way, you will find the root of the problem.

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