7 Elements Of Your Home That You Should Disinfect Every Day

Most of us  keep our homes clean, since this way we achieve a calmer and healthier environment. But how many people are responsible for disinfecting the items most prone to accumulating bacteria every day?

With the help of some cleaning products we can carry out a series of tasks that allow us to eliminate dust, bacteria and other impurities accumulated on the surfaces.

However, sometimes we ignore that some elements require special attention, not only because they tend to get dirty more easily, but because they can become a broth for harmful germs.

Although at first they seem harmless, over time they become so contaminated that they put our health at risk.

1. Sponges and scourers

Bath sponges should be disinfected every day

Dish and shower sponges are items that tend to get contaminated very easily when they are not treated properly.

Contact with moisture, dead cells and food residues creates a suitable environment for the growth of fungi and bacteria that endanger health.

How to disinfect them?

  • Dip these objects in a glass of water with white vinegar.
  • Dry them in the microwave on high heat.
  • Avoid this process if the sponge has metal parts.

2. Sink

Although products such as antibacterial soap are used on the sink, it is necessary to clean it every day with a special disinfectant to eliminate the impurities that it accumulates.

Failure to do so could result in tiny spots of mold and limescale, facilitating the overgrowth of microorganisms.

How to disinfect them?

  • Fill a spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide, and spray it out.
  • Let it act for 10 minutes and rinse with the help of a sponge.

3. Cutting board

The cutting board should be sanitized every day

Cutting boards, especially wooden ones, accumulate germs and fungi. This is because it easily absorbs moisture and food debris, which then leads to the growth of microorganisms.

How to disinfect it?

  • Sprinkle the table top with a generous amount of lemon juice, let it sit for 5 minutes, then rub in a little coarse salt.
  • Both ingredients have antibacterial compounds that will help neutralize any type of harmful germ.

4. Makeup brushes and sponges

Although it is not easy to see it with the naked eye, the brushes and sponges used for skin makeup can become a home for bacteria.

The accumulation of impurities from the skin, the remains of cosmetics and dust create an environment conducive to its development.

How to disinfect them?

  • Put some liquid soap in a glass of warm water and soak the brushes and sponges for 30 minutes.
  • After this time, rinse them and wait for them to dry for a new use.

5. Bathroom tiles

It is recommended to disinfect the bathroom tiles every day

Daily disinfection of bathroom tiles is a helpful way to prevent the formation of dark stains and bad odors from mold.

Ideally, clean them after each shower, before the soap residue solidifies on its surface.

How to disinfect them?

  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the liquid on the tiles.
  • Wait 10 minutes for it to act and remove the excess with a cloth.

6. Kitchen towels

Due to their contact with food and bacteria, kitchen towels are a very dirty item that must be disinfected every day

Not taking it into account could put health at risk and cause unpleasant and difficult to eliminate odors.

How to disinfect them?

  • Add half a cup of lemon juice to a liter of hot water and soak the towels for 30 minutes.
  • After this time, rinse as usual and dry them in the sun.

7. Keys

Keys are another item that must be disinfected every day

Few remember to disinfect the keys every day,  because they ignore that they can also contain dangerous bacteria.

They come into contact with many surfaces, can be manipulated by several people and can even fall on dirty environments.

How to disinfect them?

  • Spray them with a little hydrogen peroxide, or wash them with antibacterial soap and water.

Try to disinfect these objects that tend to get dirty easily every day so that they do not cause unwanted reactions.

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