7 Rules For A Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Not only because it is the first thing your body receives after a night of rest, but because it can help you face the day in a more vital and positive way. For this reason, we bring you a series of simple guidelines with which, in addition to learning to eat better, you will contribute to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a better quality of life. What if we put them into practice?

Sometimes, for work reasons or due to habits acquired over time, we tend to get up quickly and leave the house having had a poor breakfast. Either we do it standing up, or it consists of a simple coffee. Even, sometimes, not even that.

Before long, we may feel drained of energy or mildly unwell in the form of dizziness or muscle weakness. To avoid these sensations, how about having a healthy and complete breakfast that provides us with energy throughout the day?

Why would breakfast be important?

According to data from a study on the importance of breakfast quality published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , we can point out that:

  • Leaving the house without having a proper breakfast could affect our concentration. This is because our glucose levels would not be correct to feed our brain properly. In turn, this state could make us irritable and in a bad mood.
  • Breakfast would be especially important in the case of children. Skipping breakfast could have adverse physical, psychological and emotional effects. In addition, it would be vital for their integral development and their intellectual productivity at school.
  • Breakfast would be an important source of a high percentage of the essential vitamins and minerals that we need during the day.
  • People who eat breakfast in a balanced, varied and correct way, usually keep their weight within healthy limits. The ideal is to eat 5 meals a day, breakfast being an essential part.

Ideal breakfast: 7 basic rules

1. Breakfast with alkaline foods

alkaline foods

It is believed that it would be beneficial to start the day with alkaline foods, that is, whose PH is less than 7 than doing it with a more acidic breakfast. An indication that you are eating an overly acidic diet is waking up in the morning with an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

It might be advisable to start the day with a lemon or orange juice, or even with a white tea and an apple. Both combined, they would have effects similar to those of a coffee. Most fruits are alkaline, so don’t forget to include a piece or a natural juice in your breakfast.

2. Whole grains

When it comes to taking carbohydrates, you have to know the most favorable for health and the line. For this reason,  whole grains stand out as a very good option. These contain fiber that not only helps prevent constipation but also provides a feeling of fullness. On the other hand, energy is released more slowly, helping us to stay alert longer.

Toast that contains these types of nutrients is an excellent source of energy. You tend to avoid refined and highly processed grains.

3. Beware of sweet and salty combinations

And because? You will ask yourself. Can’t I combine a fruit plate with a sandwich? You can do it, but your stomach might hurt. The sugars in fruits are easy to digest and do not stay in the stomach for long, but if we eat heavy and salty things, the sugars in the fruit could delay their digestion, causing inflammation. Observe yourself and find the ideal combination.

4. Get the right protein in your breakfast


Many people eat fried eggs, bacon, or sausage for breakfast. They are still very heavy foods to eat in the morning. Remember that the body has been at rest all night and needs to wake up little by little. Therefore, a breakfast based on proteins and fats consumed on a regular basis can take its toll on us in the long term.

You can give yourself a tribute from time to time, but it is advisable to replace them with a breakfast that includes less fat. Include, for example, soy sprouts in a fruit salad, and even nuts. They are ideal for our brain to obtain optimal and adequate energy.

5. Avoid dairy

Currently, there are studies that demonize milk and others that extol it as a superfood. Among its negative effects, it could cause inflammation in people with intolerance. If the person also has respiratory problems such as asthma, dairy products would aggravate this reality. You can substitute them for soy, almond and even almond milk.

6. Sit down for breakfast

If you eat in a hurry, your stomach could suffer. Take your time, get up a little earlier and do it calmly, chewing slowly so that the nutrients are absorbed properly. Try to relax with a little music to leave the house calmly, well nourished and with enough energy to face the day.

7. Hydrate well

Lemon diet

Various studies point out the importance of staying well hydrated. Our brain needs it and the kidneys, responsible for cleaning our body of toxins, also. Hence, it is essential that during breakfast you drink at least two glasses of water.

We already see that following these simple steps is very simple. It is enough to start changing small habits and gradually introduce healthier foods to the diet. You will see how you feel full of energy and ready to face the day in a better mood!

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