7 Things That Indicate That Stress Is Affecting You More Than Necessary

The modern lifestyle, multiple work occupations and unforeseen events make stress become a daily occurrence and you do not realize that it is affecting you more than necessary. Although it is true that it is a physiological reaction to adverse situations that appear every day, its effects can go further when it is prolonged in time.

Being continuously subjected to this emotional state could increase heart risk, weaken defenses and increase the possibility of suffering from depression. Therefore, although most of the symptoms of stress are manifested through changes in attitude, there are several physical consequences that may be directly related to it.

Some relevant facts about stress

A publication of the American Psychological Association points out that this condition is affecting the world more than at any other time. In addition, most cases do not receive adequate care and end up becoming more serious disorders.

Being aware that it is a very common condition, which can be suffered at any time, it is essential to discover those things that indicate that it is already getting out of control. Below, we share the 7 signs that indicate that you are experiencing more stress than normal.

1. Appearance of hives or rashes

If you’ve never had an allergic reaction and suddenly notice that you have a rash or hives on your skin, you may be going through an episode of stress.

According to a publication by The American Institute of Stress , when the body presents these types of disorders, the immune system tends to become unbalanced and the body initiates the release of the chemical histamine, which causes the symptom.

Appearance of hives or rashes

2. Ongoing headaches

Headaches and migraines are common symptoms in those who, on a regular basis, must resolve difficult and stressful situations. In relation to this, a publication from the Mayo Clinic suggests that headaches are one of the most common symptoms when stress affects more than normal.

While it shouldn’t be something to worry about, if it interferes with daily activities and doesn’t give in, it’s important to see your doctor or psychologist. Likewise, it is convenient to resort to relaxation techniques.

3. Upset stomachs

Some digestive disorders also have to do with constant episodes of physical and mental stress. According to a WebMD post , one of the body’s responses to intense emotions can lead to stomachaches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

In addition, he comments that these same reactions can trigger other health problems, such as high blood pressure or heart disease.

Stomach pain from stress

4. Constant colds

There is a high chance that people with stress will catch a cold. For this reason, it is convenient to solve these problems adequately and completely, since this vulnerability of the immune system is detrimental to physical and mental health. 

In relation to this, a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine indicates that people exposed to high levels of stress have a greater risk of suffering from acute infectious respiratory diseases.

5. Appearance of acne

Acne is a skin problem that can be caused by multiple factors. Although adolescents are the most affected population, adults can also present it, among other causes, due to stress.

Although more scientific evidence is needed in this regard, a WebMD publication suggests that stress causes the activity of the sebaceous glands to increase their oil production and clog the hair follicles. This causes the appearance of pimples on the skin.

6. Insomnia

One of the symptoms to know that stress is affecting you more than necessary is insomnia and difficulties in achieving a good night’s sleep, since these have a lot to do with the emotional state and the habits that are adopted during the day.

A stressed person with muscular ailments focuses his thoughts towards the situations that trigger those feelings. For this reason, there is difficulty sleeping the recommended daily hours. Thus, as the days go by, the body suffers and can develop physical conditions that decrease the quality of life.

Stress is affecting you more than necessary if you can't sleep

7. Excessive tiredness

Fatigue or extreme tiredness is a normal reaction of the body when it does not have enough rest and is continuously subjected to physical and mental stress. This symptom can be accompanied by alterations in mood such as depression, anxiety and irritability.

What to do if stress is affecting you more than normal?

There are some habits, such as eating a healthy diet, doing physical activity, meditating, doing yoga, getting enough rest, among others, that can help manage stress and minimize the appearance of all these symptoms.

However, although stress can be a very common component today, if these symptoms become severe, it is important to consult with your doctor or mental health professional to find an appropriate treatment.

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