8 Alkaline Diets To Take Care Of Your Health: Discover Them!

Why should we follow alkaline diets? You’ve probably heard of its benefits numerous times. Most of the foods we eat are sometimes too “acidic.” Salt, fats, industrial foods, pastries … All of them define an acidic environment at the cellular level, which, in the long term, increases the probability of suffering health problems.

So what should we do? The mission is to achieve an acid-alkaline balance through our diet. Today we want to give you some simple examples to achieve it. Anyway, keep in mind that there is a lot of disagreement on this acid-base theory. Experts say that it is not possible to modify this value in the body. Anyway, alkaline diets are based on the consumption of fresh food, which is always beneficial.

Alkaline diets: 8 breakfast options

Juices and whole fruits.

The ideal for health is to start the day with a glass of warm water with the juice of a lemon. Always do it on an empty stomach and then wait half an hour to complete breakfast. In this way you will get a good portion of vitamin C, a nutrient that has been shown to be capable of enhancing immune function.

You can take the opportunity to take a shower or get ready. After that time, you have these interesting options :

  • A bowl with an apple or pieces of watermelon with almond milk.
  • An omelet with spinach and carrot juice.
  • Green tea with whole wheat pita bread and cherry tomatoes .
  • Apple and beet smoothie (beetroot) and pumpkin bread with honey.
  • Twin wheat pancakes with spinach and a natural pineapple juice.
  • Pear juice, a bowl of tart cherries, watermelon bits, and hazelnuts or almonds.
  • Green tea, a bowl of dates and raisins and an omelette made with two garlic.
  • Natural apple juice, two carrots boiled and then baked with a little cinnamon on top. To this, we add whole wheat pita bread with some cherry tomatoes .

    8 lunch options

    It is time for lunch and, as you can already guess, the star suggestion is going to be salads. Are you passionate about them?

    If this is your case, the most appropriate thing is to put a little imagination and prepare varied dishes with a high content of vitamins and nutrients.

    In this way, the functions of the body’s systems can be promoted. Remember that some of the fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, are essential to ensure good visual health, according to a study published in Sub-cellular Biochemistry. Take the following preparation ideas:

    • Green salad: Includes arugula, lettuce, lamb’s lettuce, black olives, diced cucumber, and a few red grapes. Add some tofu and season with apple cider vinegar and a little olive oil. On a separate plate, put a bowl of hummus, which is nothing more than a chickpea paté, so it is rich and very healthy.
    • Green smoothie: Make a cabbage smoothie with half an avocado, cucumber, celery, and half a glass of water. Also add a little olive oil. Besides, pita bread with cherry tomatoes .
    • An omelette with spinach and garlic: Accompany it with a salad with avocado, walnuts, celery and arugula.
    • Steamed Brussels sprouts with apple cider vinegar and olive oil: At the same time, consume a beet juice with apple and cherry tomatoes with a few small garlic on top.
    • A grilled chicken breast with chives and asparagus. Also add open endives with a little apple cider vinegar.
    • Cabbage juice with spinach and celery: To this, add whole wheat pita bread with mustard, watercress, tomatoes and a little avocado.
    • Scrambled omelette with asparagus: Accompany with a salad with spinach, walnuts and pieces of orange.
    • Chicken Breast with Tomatoes, Garlic, and Asparagus: Serve with a salad of celery, arugula, walnuts, and apple chunks.

    Suggestions for mid-afternoon

    The apple smoothie with fiber helps intestinal transit

    • Natural melon juice.
    • Almond milk.
    • Green Tea.
    • A diced apple with walnuts or almonds.
    • Any fruit of the forest, such as blackberries, berries, blueberries. They are ideal to combine with a banana smoothie, for example.

    8 options for dinner

    At dinner it is always a good option to include a large amount of vegetables. These have antioxidants in their composition. There is sufficient evidence to affirm that this class of nutrients are capable of preventing the development of certain complex and chronic pathologies. Prepare the following dishes:

    • Carrot soup with pumpkin and salmon baked with olive oil and chives.
    • Pumpkin cream plus a baked breast with a little mustard and cherry tomatoes.
    • Tuna with basmati rice sautéed with lemon and olive oil.
    • Baked pumpkin and an omelette with scrambled asparagus.
    • Celery soup with almond pieces, to which we add whole wheat pita with pieces of avocado, pepper and tomatoes.
    • Some hummus, an arugula salad, cabbage, tomatoes and small pieces of turkey breast.
    • A baked potato with olive oil. At par, salmon and an apple smoothie.
    • Caramelized carrots with cinnamon. Also add basmati brown rice with avocado, raisins and almonds, sautéed with the juice of half a lemon.


    Follow these tips to have a better quality of life:

    • Follow these alkaline diets at least three times a week.
    • Manage your stress and anxiety situations properly.
    • Get some regular exercise.
    • Drink plenty of fluids.
    • Get regular checkups to monitor your pH balance.

    5 recipes for a healthy snack

    The alkaline diet increases the consumption of vegetables

    With these recommendations and basing your diet on alkaline diets on a regular basis, you will notice a clear improvement in your general health. You already have the ideas, get to work!

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