8 Tips To Eliminate Refined Sugar From Your Diet

Eliminating refined sugar does not mean giving up taste. And there are alternatives that help us sweeten our recipes without being harmful to our body

We know that we must eliminate sugar and therefore more and more products are  lighter. However, we do not really know the negative effects of this food on our health.

In this article you will discover why you should stop eating white sugar today, as well as some simple and practical tips to replace it with healthy alternatives.

1. Know why we should eliminate sugar

The first point to eliminate white sugar from our diet is to know what are the negative consequences of consuming it, to remain firm in this decision from now on:

  • To eliminate the sugar that we consume, our body needs calcium, which is why we suffer a progressive decalcification that affects our bones and teeth.
  • Sugar acidifies the body, which makes us vulnerable to any disease.
  • 10 tablespoons of sugar (100 grams) have 384 calories, which contributes to being overweight.
  • It causes nervousness and hyperactivity, especially in children.
  • It feeds pathogens, such as fungi and parasites, that feed on it and proliferate in our body.
  • It worsens the states of pain and inflammation.
  • It can lead us to states of depression.
  • It predisposes us to diabetes and liver disorders.
  • It worsens skin problems and acne.

2. Stop buying it

The second step to stop eating sugar seems obvious, since it is to stop buying it.

However, many people still have it at home “just in case”, which makes it easier for us to fall into the temptation to consume it at specific times, when we have nothing else, when visitors come, etc.

3. Beware of hidden sugar

When it comes to eliminating sugar completely, we must bear in mind that it is also present in large quantities in many processed products, such as:

  • Industrial pastries.
  • Drinks and juices.
  • Breakfast cereals.
  • Chocolate.
  • Ice creams and smoothies.
  • Sauces, especially ketchup.
  • Jam.
  • Candies.
  • Sugary dairy.

We will always look at the label to avoid those that already contain sugar and opt for those with other natural sweeteners.

4. Discover healthy alternatives

Discover healthy alternatives

Eliminating sugar does not mean giving up sweets. We have at our disposal a wide variety of natural sweeteners, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Our body will assimilate them much better without the terrible consequences of white sugar in the long term:

  • Whole brown sugar.
  • Honey bee.
  • Sugar or cane honey.
  • Pure or refined stevia.
  • Agave syrup, maple syrup, etc.
  • Coconut or birch sugar.
  • Fruit molasses (apple, pear, etc.) and cereals.

    Each of these sweeteners has a specific flavor. We can go testing them to discover which ones we like the most and with which foods they combine well.

    5. The sweetness of cinnamon

    Cinnamon is a delicious and aromatic spice that adds natural sweetness to any recipe, so that we will not need to add so much sugar to food.

    In addition, it hides a wonderful virtue, and that is to regulate blood sugar levels, so it is an excellent condiment for all kinds of dishes, both sweet (cakes, cookies, smoothies, crepes, etc.), as well as salty ( meat, stews).

    6. Smoothies with sweet fruits

    Smoothies are in fashion because they are easy to prepare and very nutritious and healthy recipes, excellent for breakfast or a snack.

    Also, if we add some sweet fruits to them, we will no longer need to add sugar. 

    The sweetest fruits are the following:

    • Pineapple.
    • Banana or banana.
    • Pear.
    • Apple.
    • FIG.
    • Plum.
    • Apricot.

    7. Cakes with carrot and apple

    Sponge cakes with carrot and apple

    If we like to prepare homemade sweets, such as cakes or cookies, we can add an ingredient to the recipe that provides natural sweetness.

    • We can use the fruits that we have discussed in the previous point, although one of the most common is the ripe apple.
    • Some cakes also have grated carrots, a vegetable that has a lot of natural sweetness and adds a juicy and smooth touch to any cake.

    8. Rice, oatmeal and hazelnut drinks

    Vegetable drinks are very healthy and digestive foods, lactose-free, that we can not only take in place of milk, but we can also use for cooking.

    The three drinks we recommend are those with the most outstanding natural sweetness: rice, oatmeal and hazelnut.

    The last two also have the property of balancing blood sugar levels.

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