What Can We Learn From Apathy?

States of apathy do not necessarily have to be negative. We must see them as moments to be able to work and balance our emotional world and get to know ourselves better

Apathy is for many a synonym of depression, and although they are similar feelings or sensitive pictures, it is important to emphasize that they are not the same. To differentiate them, we could say that apathy is based on alterations in motivation.

On the other hand, depression is directed towards emotions. And, although both are usually accompanied, there are times when one manifests without the presence of the other.

This time we will focus on talking about apathy, and we will try not to pose it as a feeling or a completely negative sensitive picture, to focus a little more on its usefulness.

What is apathy?

Man with apathy.

In a scientific way, apathy is defined as a “neurobehavioral” syndrome, which means that it is linked to the brain and its way of affecting behaviors or behaviors.

In itself, apathy is recognized by the absence of will and interest. And often, it also lies with the absence of emotions. All this refers to the daily activities that a person can carry out or to any circumstance that surrounds them.

In addition to being confused with depression, it is also misused as a synonym for indifference, inattention and even drowsiness.

We will see that, when a person shows apathy, he can be attentive, awake and even happy. What does happen is that you have a notable lack of interest when it comes to doing certain or perhaps all kinds of activities.

Is it 100% negative?

If we understand its definition well, we will realize that it is not a disease, much less a disability. In fact, it can be considered simply as a temporary state, which may or may not be voluntary.

However, given that we live surrounded by a society that does not stand still and that values ​​facts and actions significantly, it is not surprising that apathy is seen as a negative. But it is? The truth is, no. It is not a negative state, much less when it is voluntary and selective.

In fact, we can appreciate this statement with some doctrines, such as Buddhism. If we pay attention, Buddhism is a kind of directed apathy. This discipline or religion seeks to appease excessive reactions, passions and emotions. All this in order to find internal and external fulfillment.

What should we pay attention to?

Crying is a natural pain reliever

Apathy can often be related to psychological illnesses, although we emphasize that it is not one of them. Now, in any case, whether voluntary or preceded by some disease, the result is the same: little initiative when carrying out activities and a decrease in feelings and emotions.

What is worth detailing is that being in the presence of a picture of apathy, we also find ourselves in a calmed state of mind.

  • This can allow us a better recognition of our thoughts, emotions, sensations and feelings.
  • Thus, we could be in a more optimal state of consciousness.

The benefits of apathy

Having made it clear that apathy is not exactly a negative state, we could mention some of its benefits.

1. Helps us achieve emotional balance

Emotional health.
We have mentioned earlier that in a state of apathy we have the ability to more effectively recognize and evaluate our emotions and feelings.

So, when we understand what we feel and how and why we react, it is possible to find our emotional balance.

2. It gives us more time to decide

Without acting, we have more time to decide. This is about an opportunity that we can give ourselves when we do not act or react.

Which can help us have even more time to evaluate situations and, therefore, make better decisions.

3. We enter emotional awareness

Apathy is often linked to depression. We tend to react defensively to both teams. We intend to get out of them quickly to become active and positive people again. In this situation, it is recommended that we take the time to listen to our apathy.

If we do, we can enter a state of emotional awareness that allows us to identify the reasons for our sadness or our loss of motivation, and thus be able to work on an emotional evolution.

Finally, we must also consider that there are involuntary and prolonged apathy pictures (chronic states) that require consultation with specialists.

To identify these cases, it is enough to analyze the fact of whether or not we can, in a little insistent way, move away from apathy. In case these attempts do not succeed, we recommend a visit to a specialist.

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