Asbestosis: Signs And Symptoms

Although most cases of asbestosis are caused by exposure to asbestos in the workplace, this compound is also present in many older homes. Symptoms can take years to appear.

Asbestosis is a lung disease caused by exposure to asbestos. This material was for a long time frequently used in various construction elements such as cement, tiles and some types of tile.

Exposure to asbestos can cause different health problems including cancer in various parts of the body. Asbestosis is the most common consequence of such exposure, and those who suffer from it are at increased risk of developing lung cancer.

Starting in 1970, the use of asbestos began to be banned, but to date this has not happened in many countries, while in others it was belatedly censored. Due to its characteristics, asbestosis is considered an occupational disease, since asbestos has traditionally been used in industrial facilities and activities.


The risks of asbestos

What are the risks of asbestos asbestosis

Asbestos or asbestos is the name given to a group of six natural minerals with properties that make them suitable for use in building materials. They are also used in car brakes, boat assembly and some textile products among others.

Asbestos is resistant to fire, heat, and various chemicals, and it does not conduct electricity. For these properties it  has been widely used in industry. There are basically three types of asbestos that cause disease:

  • Chrysotile
  • Crocidolite
  • Amosite

When a product made of asbestos is shaken, some small fibers of it are released into the air. If someone inhales them, these fibers end up lodged in the lungs and stay there for a long time. If they accumulate, they cause inflammation and scarring that can severely affect respiratory function. Asbestos is listed as a carcinogen.



Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease caused by inhaling  asbestos fibers. It is considered a form of pulmonary fibrosis. It causes inflammation and this gradually leads to permanent damage.

Asbestos occurs naturally in the environment and we have all been exposed to it at some time. Those who are most at risk of becoming ill are those who are regularly exposed to this compound for long periods of time.

However, researchers have found that  short-term exposure to a significant volume of asbestos can also cause a variety of diseases. Both in these cases and in the case of prolonged exposures, symptoms can appear between 10 and 40 years after the exposure occurred.


Signs and symptoms

asbestosis cough

The main symptom of asbestosis is shortness of breath, which is usually accompanied by a persistent dry cough. In those affected, these symptoms become more noticeable during exercise or intense physical activities and increase over time.

It is very common to have pain or a feeling of tightness in the chest, as well as progressive loss of appetite and weight loss. In addition to the above, one of the most characteristic signs of this disease is the presence of an anomaly called clubbing.

Clubbing is also known as clubbing, clubbing, or drumstick fingers. Its main characteristic is that the fingers and toes become larger than normal and the nails curve downwards, adopting the shape of an upside down spoon.

Clubbing is present in all cases of asbestosis, but it is also characteristic of other lung diseases. The diagnosis can only be confirmed when the relevant clinical tests are carried out.


Facts to Consider About Asbestosis

The manifestations and effects of asbestosis can vary greatly from one person to another. In some cases there are only mild signs and symptoms, while in other cases there are serious problems such as respiratory failure and cancer. As a general rule, smokers tend to have more severe symptoms and courses.

It is important that anyone who has been exposed to asbestos, or thinks they have been, report the history to their doctor. The professional will probably order a chest X-ray, preferably a high-resolution chest CT, to determine the effects of said exposure. Remember that the first symptoms appear in the medium term.

At the moment there is no specific treatment for asbestosis. The prognosis in each case depends on many factors, such as general health, time of exposure and type of asbestos to which you were exposed. The main risk is to develop mesothelioma, which is a form of cancer.


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