Avocado, Honey And Lemon Juice For Mid Afternoon

With this avocado, honey and lemon juice you will have the best restorative remedy for when you get home from work. It is easy to prepare, delicious and with so many benefits that, almost without realizing it, it will become your favorite drink for this time of day.

Although it is true that this juice can also be an excellent option for breakfast, in our recipe we suggest you take it fresh in the middle of the afternoon, with some ice cubes.

Therefore, its greatest virtue will be to hydrate you, satisfy you and offer you adequate nutrients to recover that energy consumed in the first hours of our days. We give you all the information in this article proposing as always to put it into practice.

Avocado, honey and lemon juice: energetic and cleansing

We could give you more than 10 reasons to introduce avocado consumption in your diet. Now, this time we suggest you go a little further so that you discover everything that combining it with a little honey and lemon can offer you.

Provides energy and contributes to raising natural defenses

Shake for a spectacular mane

When we finish the day and finally get home, we have consumed a lot of energy and we also store numerous toxins, both environmental and those obtained with what we have consumed during the day.

This natural juice, in addition to detoxifying, allows us to strengthen the immune system. Thanks to lemon, honey and avocado, we will be able, in the first place, to increase our natural defenses thanks to vitamin C. Honey is a powerful antimicrobial agent, which is why it helps us to stay free of infections.

It should be remembered that there is evidence that a high intake of vitamin C is capable of reducing the incidence of respiratory infections such as common colds.

We cannot forget that both lemon and honey are anti-inflammatory and cleansing products. They have antimicrobial properties that have been proven. This will improve digestion and nutrient absorption.

Lowers cholesterol and takes care of the heart

In our juice we are going to include half an avocado. Contrary to what many people think, avocado is not a fatty food that damages arterial health or weight.

Its fatty acids are beneficial and, even more, this fruit is high in beta-sitosterol, a compound that helps us keep cholesterol levels low. The avocado contains monounsaturated fat, which, combined with the vitamin C of the lemon, acts as a natural protector for the veins and arteries.

Detoxifies the body and the skin notices it

The oil that avocado provides us together with citric acid and honey allow us to regulate fluid retention, reduce inflammation of tissues and, in turn, enhance liver health.

If we add a glass of fresh water to this, we optimize its detoxifying virtues. We are also clear that all these benefits will be cumulative. If we take this natural juice two or three times a week, the body will notice it.

However, this internal regulation and optimization also has its effects on the skin. Avocados are a great source of vitamin E. This is a wonderful antioxidant to revitalize the skin at the end of the day, thus promoting its elasticity. This is evidenced by a study published in the Indian Dermatology Online Journal .

Avocado, honey and lemon juice recipe


  • ½ avocado.
  • The juice of 1 lemon.
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).
  • 2 ice cubes.


  • You will have it done in just over 5 minutes. To do this, choose an avocado that is not overly ripe. Remove the seed from the center and get only the pulp of one half.
  • You will like to know that to preserve that other half much better, you just have to spread a little lemon juice on top and put it in the refrigerator. In this way it does not rust or take on the classic blackish color.
  • Next we will obtain the juice of that lemon, to take it to the blender.
  • It includes the pulp of the half avocado, the tablespoon of honey and the glass of fresh water.
  • Blend well to get the most homogeneous drink possible.
  • Don’t forget to add those ice cubes and enjoy it in the middle of the afternoon. After two or three days you will notice excellent results.

Prepare honey lemon avocado juice to improve health

Feel free to prepare it every time you get home tired. This juice will contribute to improving the state of health, as long as you introduce it in the context of a healthy diet. Keep in mind that it is necessary to eat healthy, but also to maintain the practice of physical activity to guarantee the efficiency of the body when carrying out routine physiological processes. Otherwise, pathologies could develop.

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