Benefits And Disadvantages Of Running And Listening To Music

For many people, listening to their favorite songs while exercising represents extra motivation and energy. However, we must also take into account the risks of not hearing what is happening around us.

The  footing  is a perfect activity for many people looking for a short and intense daily exercise to keep fit. For them, a pair of headphones are the perfect complement when doing this activity. However, while it makes it more enjoyable, running and listening to music can also carry some risks.

Going for a run is a very healthy practice, as long as we don’t risk unnecessary dangers. Next, we will share the advantages and disadvantages of running while listening to music. In this way, we can assess what is best for us in each situation.

Benefits of running and listening to music

To begin, we will highlight three great benefits of running and listening to music at the same time to increase endurance, caloric expenditure and vitality:

Increase stamina

Music helps us keep the rhythm we want. We just have to choose the right songs and the steps will follow the musical basis with ease. We can even prepare a list of songs that mark different types of speeds for the journey.

According to a study carried out in cyclists and published by the International Journal of Sports Medicine, athletes who listened to music during a 10-kilometer time trial were able to sustain a higher pedaling cadence.

And there is still more evidence linking physical endurance to music. For example, research published by Perceptual and Motor Skills states that people who listen to music during an endurance test increase this ability significantly.

What happens is that, when we listen to a music base, we almost unintentionally maintain that rhythm when we walk. For this reason, it is a good way to work on resistance. However, we should not go too far, but rather increase the demand gradually.

The most enjoyable activity returns

We must not forget the importance of enjoying any sport that we practice. Most people who quit exercise do so because they were doing it out of obligation. Enjoying is the guarantee to not stop doing a sport and to be able to set short and long-term goals.

Running and listening to music, especially if they are our favorite songs, can be the best time of the day. Starting or ending the day running can fill us with energy, or prepare us to rest.

Also, music can help make workouts more profitable. According to a study published by Perceptual and Motor Skills , the women analyzed who trained with music not only did so for longer, but also perceived greater average fatigue after training.

Running and listening to music helps burn more calories

Both due to the fact of training for longer and due to the increase in intensity, we will also burn more calories. This is due to a greater stimulation of metabolism, which is responsible for energy expenditure, which, according to a study published by the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism , is the cornerstone of weight loss.

Disadvantages and risks

Now that we know the benefits of music over physical exercise, it is time to weigh its possible disadvantages and the risks of listening to music while running:

Difficult to hear what is happening

Running and listening to music can pose a significant risk, as we lose the ability to hear what is happening around us. A car, a beep, a scream … any alarm signal will be camouflaged by the music we are listening to.

This is even more dangerous when we run in an urban place and, especially, at night. A good alternative may be to reduce the volume or just wear a headset. First of all, what we must always prioritize is safety.

Running and listening to music decreases attention to surroundings

When listening to music, we not only lose the possibility of hearing what is happening in the environment, but our attention is also reduced. This happens because music takes us to situations and memories with great ease.

When we run, it is essential to be attentive to everything that happens, whether we are in the city or in the middle of nature. Otherwise, we may not be able to avoid obstacles and suffer some unwanted setback.

Affects the perception of body sensations

In all physical exercise, especially if it is intense, we must pay attention to different essential issues: breathing, posture, movement, among others. This is the only way to get the most out of the effort, and also to prevent injury.

When running and listening to music, we direct our attention to the songs and it is more difficult to be aware of our own body. Even the rhythm of the music itself can negatively influence the way you breathe.

If you go for a run to music, take precautions

Ultimately, the conclusion would be that we must assess the pros and cons of running and listening to music to decide what is best for us at all times. If we are very used to doing it, we should not cut suddenly either.

A good alternative would be to start by wearing a headset or trying jogging  in company. The important thing is to continue enjoying this good habit that brings so many benefits to health, but also taking the necessary care to avoid accidents and injuries.

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