Brown Rice And Green Tea: Two Key Foods In Your Diet

Brown rice and green tea are two essential foods that we recommend consuming. They are available to anyone and can be included without problems in any type of diet.

They do not help to cope with various cardiovascular diseases, to regulate our weight and to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol or LDL. But in addition, these two foods offer a good part of the antioxidants and vitamins that our body needs at the end of the day.

They are part of the diet of oriental tradition that has helped this culture so much to achieve longevity. By including healthy, balanced foods in your dishes that are far removed from that western style where saturated fats abound, your health reflects the success of the nutrients you consume daily.

Brown rice and green tea are quick, inexpensive and taste great. We want to propose that you encourage yourself to make these two key foods in your diet. Your health, your spirit and that inner balance will notice it with which to face the days in the best way.

Benefits of brown rice

Bowl of brown rice

The vast majority of the population tends to choose white rice over brown rice. We find it more palatable, and it is as if the food combines better with its neutral, but consistent flavor.

However, nutritionists are clear: brown rice will always be the best option for our health for the following reasons:

1. Brown rice is purer and healthier

It is convenient to know that the white rice that we consume has gone through a refining process.  In this process, its most nutritious part is eliminated: the bran.

For its part, brown rice is valuable because it retains its original state. It keeps that bran where its proteins are, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, fiber and potassium.

2. It is rich in selenium and magnesium

The selenium present in brown rice will protect us against various cardiovascular diseases. It even helps curb the incidence of arthritis.

On the other hand, consuming a cup of brown rice will provide us with much of the recommended daily amount of manganese. Thanks to this mineral we will better synthesize fats and take care of our nervous system.

3. Helps us lose weight

The high fiber content of brown rice helps us take care of our digestion and intestinal function. Also, one of the most interesting aspects of brown rice is that it is satiating.

It is enough to prepare a little each day to accompany, for example, our salads, meats or vegetables to enjoy a much more complete diet.

4. Stabilize your sugar levels

Another factor why you should choose brown rice over white is because it helps us stabilize blood sugar levels. It is a wonderful food for people suffering from diabetes.

5. A food very rich in antioxidants

We pointed it out at the beginning. Something as simple as including brown rice and green tea in our diet will allow us to enjoy an extraordinary level of antioxidants. In fact, brown rice has the same antioxidants as a cup of blueberries, wine, or the green tea itself.

Green tea, the best drink you can consume

Cup of green tea

1. The bioactive power of green tea

Green tea has multiple bioactive compounds. Among the most appreciated are, above all, polyphenols such as flavonoids and catechins, powerful antioxidants.

  • These elements protect our cells from the effects of free radicals to deal more effectively with premature aging and multiple diseases.
  • Likewise, another of the most powerful compounds in green tea is undoubtedly the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) a very interesting cardioprotective agent.

2. Improve our brain function

Green tea contains less caffeine than coffee, we all know that. However, it has enough quantity to offer the same effect.

Likewise, tea is also rich in the amino acid L-theanine, which works synergistically with caffeine. Thanks to this, it  improves our brain function and those cognitive processes related to attention and memory.

3. Helps us lose weight

Green tea has been used as a supplement to promote weight loss. It must be said that it is not a miracle, but a simple “helper”. Green tea increases the metabolic rate and, therefore, helps us burn that more resistant fat that is usually concentrated in the abdomen and legs.

4. Strengthens the immune system

Consuming brown rice and green tea will allow us to lead a healthier life by dealing more effectively with viruses and bacteria. It is the catechins present in green tea that strengthen our defenses. They fight bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans, which , for example , cause tooth decay.

Feel free to drink a cup or two a day. It will not be the solution to any disease, but it will act as a wonderful protective agent that will allow us to better fight against them.

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