Dandelion, A Remedy To Detoxify Your Body Naturally

The dandelion is a medicinal plant that is not difficult to find in the field if you know how to recognize it. Many people associate it with magic, wishes and even freedom, but popular wisdom indicates that it has several medicinal properties and emphasizes that it is a remedy capable of detoxifying the body naturally. 

In this article we will explain more about this plant, and especially, its ease of eliminating toxins and liquids, as well as the clues to recognize it in the middle of nature.

What is there to know about dandelions?

Known in Latin as Taraxacum officinale , dandelion is a plant that has been frequently associated with liver health. It can be eaten in salads, or take advantage of its medicinal benefits in infusions.

Dandelion side effects

It is said that, in addition to stimulating the elimination of retained fluids, the dandelion is able to help the body expel everything it does not need and that, if it accumulates it, it can be harmful. For example, toxins, which in turn could promote:

  • High cholesterol.
  • High uric acid or gout.
  • Kidney stones.
  • Urinary tract infections.

However, there is limited scientific evidence in this regard. Therefore, it is not possible to confirm that, indeed, the plant is effective in the cases mentioned.

However, although the true scope of this purification or cleaning mechanism has not yet been verified, many people continue to eventually take advantage of the properties attributed to dandelion. Especially in case of fluid retention due to travel, sedentary lifestyle and other common circumstances.

Other benefits

According to the authors of an article published in the International Journal of Acupuncture,

They also comment that dandelion has choleretic and diuretic action, but also stimulates appetite. And they point out that it can act as an adjunct in “liver pathologies, cholecystopathies and digestion disorders, especially when there is poor digestion of fats.”

How to recognize it in nature?

Dandelion and its side effects

The dandelion, which is considered a “weed”, grows naturally on the edge of many fields and gardens and is characterized by its serrated leaves and yellow flower. It is also well known because after blooming, the yellow petals are replaced by a group of stems with fluffy white strands that children often blow to release in the wind as if they were small parachutes. This helps spread the seeds.

Dandelion scrub

As long as there are no contraindications that prevent it, you can use fresh or dried dandelion to make infusions and take one or two a day, before meals. If you do not have the plant, you can buy it in herbal stores in the form of an herb, tincture or tablets. You can also add the fresh leaves in the dishes you cook.

As a curiosity, dandelion is also known as Bitter Chicory , and it can be used as a substitute for coffee. For this, the roots of the plant are used, toasted and ground, but we can also buy it already prepared in dietetics.

While the purifying treatment lasts, we should drink plenty of water outside of meals, to help expel the toxins that will be mobilized.

Hand rejects glass with alcohol.

We should also take better care of our diet and try to avoid the following foods and habits:

  • Tobacco.
  • Alcohol.
  • White flours.
  • Fried foods.
  • Refined sugars.
  • Fatty meats and sausages.
  • Trans or hydrogenated fats.
  • Stimulants like coffee or cola.
  • Dairy products, especially fatty cheeses and creams.

We always recommend consulting a doctor or therapist before performing any treatment with medicinal plants, as these may have contraindications or some side effects if consumed in excess.

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