Diabetes In Children And Adolescents

Diabetes in children and adolescents is a problem that is gaining strength in our society. Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the body cannot make or use insulin. In this sense, insulin is the key that allows glucose to enter the cells.

When this happens, glucose remains circulating in the blood. These high concentrations of glucose end up damaging the tissues. In addition, cells need to incorporate it for energy. Therefore, diabetes can be a serious disease.

There are two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. In recent years the incidence of this disease has increased. This fact is especially related to our lifestyle and the increase in obesity cases.

In reality, diabetes in children and adolescents is practically the same as in adults on a symptomatic level. However, there are certain differences in how and why it occurs. In the following lines we explain everything you need to know in this regard.

What Causes Diabetes in Children and Adolescents?

As we have already mentioned, broadly, there are two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is one in which the pancreas does not produce insulin, while in type 2 diabetes what happens is that there is a resistance in the tissues to insulin, so it cannot act.

Diabetes in children and adolescents has specific risk factors and causes. First, we will explain the case of type 1 diabetes.

Child taking insulin

Diabetes type 1

This type occurs because the cells of the immune system attack the cells that produce insulin. The latter are in the pancreas. In this way, the body cannot make the insulin it needs. And this is evidenced by this information from KidsHealth .

It is a chronic disease. In fact, it is one of the most common chronic diseases in childhood. The reason for type 1 diabetes is usually genetic. It is thought that there may be a large genetic component in this pathology, so if one of the parents has diabetes, the child is much more likely to suffer from it.

Type 2 diabetes

Diabetes in children and adolescents, when it is type 2, occurs because the body creates resistance to insulin. Unlike type 1, the pancreas does continue to produce insulin. This type is associated with childhood overweight and obesity.

The relationship mechanism is complex. In summary, as this study published in the Annals of Pediatrics points out , it is that, being overweight, the pancreas needs to produce more insulin each time to transport glucose to the cells. Ultimately, cells lose sensitivity to this molecule and create that resistance.

What complications does diabetes have in children and adolescents?

Diabetes in children and adolescents can be more complicated than in adults, as evidenced by this research published in the Annals of Pediatrics .  On a physical level, it significantly increases the risk of many other diseases throughout life. For example, type 1 diabetes is associated with an increased risk of autoimmune diseases.

Similarly, diabetes is linked to cardiovascular disease, weight imbalances and, of course, acute complications. In this sense, hypoglycemic crises due to treatment or diabetic ketoacidosis stand out.

symptoms of hypoglycemia

However, the most complicated thing about diabetes in children and adolescents are the psychological aspects. Suffering from this disease determines a change in the child’s social life and self-esteem, mainly due to the tendency to gain weight produced by insulin treatment.

Scientists estimate that almost half of children diagnosed with diabetes have problems with anxiety or depression. They are subjected, from the time they are small, to significant stress to control diet and treatment, so they do not live with the usual carefree childhood.

Also, body image is very important at this age. Therefore, it is necessary to help these children and adolescents to work on their self-esteem. They have to learn to accept themselves and understand the complications of illness.

Regarding diabetes in children and adolescents …

In short, diabetes in children and adolescents is practically the same as in adults. At these ages, most cases are due to genetic causes. However, with the increase in children who are overweight and obese, the number of cases of type 2 diabetes has also increased.

It is also important to know that, although it is a physical disease, diabetes at this time of life brings many problems with self-esteem and mood. Therefore, these patients must also be supported psychologically.

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