Discover Humus: Rich In Nutrients And Antidepressant?

Have you heard of hummus? Have you tried it yet? Despite not being well known by the majority of the population, little by little it is making a dent in our cuisine.

If you like chickpeas, you are going to love this dish. This attractive pasta of Arabic origin is nothing more than a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, paprika, sesame seeds, olives, and, of course, the base: chickpeas.

The recipe may change a bit from country to country. However, as you can see, its ingredients could not be healthier.

In fact, various investigations that we will talk about below, already describe it as a superfood and an effective remedy to treat depression.  Would you like to know more about hummus?

The great benefits of hummus

Hummus is an essential dish in Middle Eastern cuisine. Countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Syria or even Greece and Cyprus often enjoy this very healthy recipe.

It is true that hummus can already be found in many of our supermarkets. However, there are people who prefer to prepare it at home.

The fresh lemon juice, some tender chickpeas and those spices that are of our personal taste will undoubtedly make us get a delicious hummus according to our preferences. Now, what are the benefits of this pasta with its smooth texture and such a pleasant taste?

A complete food for the whole family

To begin, take note of its nutritional value and main medicinal properties. It’s great for the whole family!

  • It contains iron, which is why it is ideal for preventing anemia.
  • The potassium in chickpea helps us prevent fluid retention.
  • Its calcium content favors the health of bones and teeth. 
  • Source of magnesium, a fundamental mineral for the nervous and muscular system, among others.
  • Rich in folic acid, making it perfect for people of all ages, including pregnant women.
  • It is rich in thiamine and riboflavin, two types of vitamins that allow us to strengthen our muscular and nervous systems.
  • It also contains retinol, that basic component for our healthy and elastic tissues.
  • Given its high antioxidant content , it can contribute to the health of the entire body.

Good natural antidepressant


An investigation carried out in 2007 at the University of Tel Aviv (Israel) concluded with the following data:

  • Hummus can be a kind of natural antidepressant, as it has very similar effects to certain medications used to treat this problem, such as prozac.
  • Hummus offers a feeling of well-being due to its ability to promote the secretion of serotonin. This is explained by the healthy combination of olive oil and paprika. Both contain a type of amino acid that promotes the appearance of this hormone.
    • Hummus satisfies the appetite, relaxes and also helps us fall asleep.

    Rich in vegetable proteins

    We are talking about chickpeas, one of the legumes richest in proteins  that serve as the basis for many of our dishes. And we love them!

    It is interesting to know that hummus is part of the diet of many athletes because of the energy it provides. Thanks to its content in olive oil and lemon, it is a food rich in antioxidants that is well digested and, in addition, is satiating and regulates blood sugar levels.

    Improve our digestions


    Its healthy carbohydrates are slowly absorbed. In this way, they  offer us energy while regulating glucose levels.

    Thanks to the fiber present in chickpeas, its content in lemon, garlic, olive oil and healthy spices, it favors intestinal transit.

    Low in fat

    As we have indicated before, the foods with which hummus is made are very healthy. They are rich in unsaturated essential fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and oleic acid, or omega 3 fatty acid.

    Do not hesitate, hummus is the best you can spread, for example, with rye bread. If you accompany it with celery or raw carrot cut into very thin slices, you will undoubtedly enjoy a dish that is as tasty as it is healthy.

    How then to resist a toast well loaded with hummus? Enjoy it!

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