Discover The Best Sugar-based Scrubs

Certainly, skin cells are regularly renewed. However, several factors such as age or lifestyle alter this process. Therefore, it is important to stimulate the skin through the use of some exfoliants that could provide positive benefits.

Some scrubs may help remove dead skin cells and other impurities, as well as help keep your skin healthy. In fact, the cosmetic industry offers a variety of exfoliants that could contribute to skin care.

In some cases, the components may contain plastic microparticles, irritating fragrances, glycerin or some other ingredient that is harmful to the skin.

In this sense, some people, based on the knowledge of popular wisdom, recommend preparing your own scrub based on homemade ingredients, such as sugar.

However, we can mention the case of this study published in 2017, which explains that, by combining sugar with other natural ingredients, we could obtain exfoliants that could help us with the care of the skin of the face and body.

If you want to have a skin ready to enjoy the summer, discover our selection of scrubs made with sugar.

Shall we start?

5 best scrubs made from sugar

As we have cited the previous study, sugar is ideal for making a homemade scrub. Exfoliation with this ingredient removes dead cells and softens the skin thanks to friction. Remember that it is essential to adapt the recipe according to the sensitivity of the area you want to exfoliate.

1. Scrub made from sugar, coffee and coconut oil

This homemade recipe not only has the advantage of exfoliating the skin of the face and body, but it also helps to moisturize and firm it. Also, you should know that coffee helps reduce cellulite and also works very well for the legs.


  • 5 tablespoons of sugar (75 g).
  • 4 tablespoons of ground coffee (60 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g).

    Preparation and application

    • If you want to make this scrub, mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
    • We recommend applying the scrub to damp skin while doing circular motions. The usual thing is to pay more attention to the areas affected by cellulite.
    • You can also apply the scrub gently all over the face or in those areas where you produce more oil such as the T zone.

    2. Scrub with sugar, vegetable oil and honey

    The second sugar scrub that we present to you is really basic and ideal for all skin types. In addition to exfoliating, it  allows the skin to be soft and hydrated. 


    • 6 tablespoons of brown sugar (90 g).
    • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil (45 ml).
    • 1 tablespoon of liquid pure honey (15 ml).

    Preparation and application

    • Mix the ingredients well and apply to damp skin with gentle, upward movements.
    • Finally, apply a gentle massage and rinse the skin with plenty of warm water.
    • As for the face, you should know that  this scrub will hydrate and purify your skin. In fact, honey has softening, hydrating, purifying, and even healing properties, as this study shows.

      3. Sugar, vegetable oil and green tea scrub

      Scrub for the skin.


      • 6 tablespoons of sugar (90 g).
      • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (30 ml).
      • 3 tablespoons of green tea infusion (45 ml).
      • 1 tablespoon of ground green tea (15 g).

      Keep in mind that green tea provides antioxidant properties and gently exfoliates the skin.

      Preparation and application

      • Combine the ingredients well and exfoliate with slightly damp skin.
      • Practice circular and upward gestures, emphasizing only rough areas, such as heels, knees, buttocks, or elbows.

      4. Scrub with sugar, cucumber, mint and vegetable oil

      This scrub has a cooling effect, as it activates microcirculation and reduces water retention.  In turn, it is perfect in high temperatures.


      • 1 cucumber
      • 2 fresh mint leaves
      • 2 cups of sugar (300 g).
      • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil (45 ml).

      Preparation and application

      • Cut the   cucumber and mix it with 2 fresh mint leaves until you get a puree.
      • Next, filter the excess water, add the sugar and vegetable oil, and combine well.
      • Lastly, apply the scrub to damp skin in gentle, upward strokes. Leave the result to act for a few minutes in the areas you consider appropriate and rinse with warm water.

      5. Scrub with sugar, honey, coconut oil and lemon

      sugar-based scrubs

      This last scrub that we present to you is perfect for oily skin on the face and body. It allows to eliminate dead cells, regulate sebum production and hydrate the skin. In addition, it contains lemon, which according to this study, would help maintain and / or regulate the pH.


      • 5 tablespoons of sugar (75 g).
      • The juice of half a lemon.
      • 2 tablespoons of liquid honey (30 ml).
      • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (15 g).

      Preparation and application

      • Mix all the ingredients well until you get a more or less homogeneous paste.
      • Next, apply the scrub to damp skin and use circular motions.
      • Massage the desired areas for 15 to 20 minutes.
      • Rinse with plenty of warm water.

      Finally, you should know that exfoliation is a practice that you can include in your beauty routine if the goal is to have healthy skin. However, like everything, it is recommended that you do not abuse exfoliants to avoid skin irritation. It is advisable to do it once a week for those dry or sensitive skin and more frequently in the case of oily skin. Similarly, the most important thing is to consult an expert.

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