Do You Want To Show Off Enviable Lips? Don’t Miss These 7 Tips

The lips are covered by extremely delicate skin. This, unfortunately, tends to suffer the negative effects of toxins and the sun’s rays.

Although they have always been considered one of the physical attractions of every person, some downplay them and do not give them the necessary care to keep them in good condition.

As a consequence, they accumulate dead cells and impurities. Over the days, they manifest themselves with spots, cracking, infections and other problems that make them look bad from an aesthetic point of view.

Luckily, all of these effects can be combated naturally. How? Well, by incorporating some guidelines into the beauty routine that facilitate its treatment.

In this opportunity we want to share 7 good tips so that you do not hesitate to give them a better appearance without trying too hard.

Take note!

1. Use sunscreen

enviable lips

Daily use of a balm with sunscreen is an easy way to avoid the harmful effects of the sun on your lips.

This product minimizes the negative impact of UV rays. At the same time, it preserves the natural moisture of the mouth to avoid the deterioration of your skin.

The ideal is to use it every day. Two or three times during the day, in order to ensure their protection.

2. Make sure to moisturize them

Sudden changes in temperature, the remains of some foods and exposure to toxins are factors that directly affect the health of the lips.

Its effects alter the production of natural oils and lead to the death of cells that keep them renewed.

Due to this, it is essential to hydrate them several times a day with an additional product, it can be a commercial lipstick, or a little cocoa butter.

3. Avoid cigarette smoking

Give up smoking

Regular cigarette smoking not only affects the aesthetics of the teeth. Over the days, it generates noticeable alterations in the skin of the lips.

Its toxins accelerate the aging process of the skin, alter its natural moisture and favor the appearance of unsightly dark spots.

4. Eliminate dead cells

The accumulation of dead cells on the lips is notorious, since it manifests itself as small peels of skin that seem easy to tear off.

However, it is necessary to use an exfoliating product to remove them, since doing it with the nails can cause injuries.

In the market they can be purchased in different presentations. However, they can also be prepared at home with ingredients such as coarse sugar and honey.

Even if you don’t have any of these products on hand, you can gently scrub them with a soft toothbrush for similar effects.

5. Increase water consumption

Lip health is also highly dependent on body hydration. Not only because it facilitates its oxygenation, but also because it is key to retain its natural moisture.

The daily consumption of water, no less than two liters a day, guarantees a protected, hydrated and constantly renewed lip skin.

In fact, when the body doesn’t get enough fluids, the mouth is one of the first to show signs of dehydration.

Therefore, if you notice your skin is too dry or cracked, it is best to consider increasing your intake of this liquid.

6. Clean lips after eating

Food remains can remain on the surface and contour of the lips. Thus, they can lead to annoying blemishes.

Stains, blackheads, and excess dryness can result from substances derived from some foods they came into contact with.

It is essential to clean your mouth after eating, especially if the food is acidic, spicy or salty.

7. Check cosmetics and lipsticks

Change lipstick

The importance of reviewing cosmetics and lipsticks is that many of their chemical compounds can be aggressive for the skin of the mouth.

Although they are designed to highlight this part of the face, their continuous use, in some skin types, generates noticeable alterations.

  • If after using them the skin tends to dry out, it is best to discontinue use.
  • In addition, if possible, it is best to replace them with products of natural origin. These are much milder and do not alter the pH.

As you can see, it is very easy to take measures to preserve the health and beauty of our lips.

Follow each of the tips and check that you can give them the look you want without using expensive products.

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