Drink Water: How Much Do We Need According To Our Weight?

The needs of each person when it comes to drinking water vary depending on each body. However, on a general level and according to popular wisdom, it is accepted that an adult needs about 2 liters of water a day.

60% of our body is water and for it to work correctly it is necessary to keep this proportion balanced. Find out in this article how much water you should drink per day. Keep reading!

It is true that water is necessary to keep us hydrated and vital. However, there are those who make the mistake of consuming more water than their body needs to fulfill its functions, as stated in this research carried out by the University of Guadalajara (Mexico).

This is important because it may be some kind of disorder, as suggested. For this reason, today we want to tell you some interesting information so that you learn to consume the right amount of water according to your weight.

Drink water according to your weight

It is believed that the body weight of each has a lot to do with the amount of water that they should drink each day.

For example, a thin person would not need to drink water in the same amount as one of higher body weight. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this kind of approach.

Those who defend these theories affirm that to know the exact figure to drink water in a healthy way according to your body weight, you need to take the value of your weight in pounds and divide it by two. The result of this mathematical operation would be equal to the number of ounces of water that your body needs each day.

General Formula

  • Formula not to forget:  (Body weight in pounds) / (2) = Daily amount of water in ounces.
  • For example:  A person weighs 116 pounds (52 kg) and divides his weight into 2 parts; As a result, it gives 58 ounces (26 kg), which in other measures is about 5 glasses per day.

However, as we have already commented, there is no reliable evidence to ensure the veracity of this.

Particular cases and exceptions

  • In case of practicing some type of sport or doing intense exercise, it is recommended to consume  an additional liter of water for every hour of sport.
  • If you don’t include a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet, you should consume at least 2 liters of water daily.
  • Hydration is essential if we suffer from any disease or have low defenses.  In fact, this study carried out by the Complutense University of Madrid establishes a correlation between hydration and the lower incidence of certain diseases.

Recommendations to drink water easily

We already know the simple formula to determine how much water we need per day. Now, the idea is that you start consuming this amount of water to stay hydrated.

However, many people forget to drink enough water or find it difficult. Therefore, here are some tips for you to meet the daily goal.

  • A good idea is to consume a glass of water before each meal. This way it will be more difficult to forget this good habit. In addition, it will contribute to a better metabolism of meals.
  • Another option you can adopt is to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach and another before going to bed. However, you should supplement it with more water throughout the day to achieve the recommended amount of water.
  • If your problem is the fact that the water does not taste like anything, a good idea to take advantage of its benefits is to prepare flavored waters.  However, make them without adding sugar. You can make them with fruits, herbs, or tea, among others. In addition, according to this study carried out by the Colegio de Postgraduados de México, there are indications that using these alternative drinks to replace sugary ones could be used to fight Diabetes.
  • If you forget to drink a certain amount of water during the day, make a kind of daily schedule.  Mark the squares each time you have a glass of water.

How do we know if we drink enough water?

The best way to know if we are dehydrated or well hydrated is through urine. For this it is important to take into account the frequency with which we go to the bathroom and its color.

For example, if the urine is very light yellow, it indicates that we are well hydrated. For its part, a dark yellow color in the urine and a strong smell, may indicate that we need to drink more water, according to this study carried out by the National University of Colombia.

If you notice dry skin and lips, feel fatigue and cannot concentrate during day-to-day activities, it is also advisable to increase your water consumption. These are clear symptoms of dehydration.

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