Ecological Home Cleaning

In some cases, the elements that we use for cleaning and disinfecting the home can be substituted for homemade preparations. If what you are looking for is a more natural alternative, it is possible to use some elements, such as apple cider vinegar.

If what you are looking for is neatness, disinfection and a house that respects the planet, the following  tips to carry out an ecological cleaning of the home can be very helpful.

Stain removers are not lacking in any home; dishwasher; oven cleaner; bleaches; air fresheners; plungers, brighteners, etc. However, these can constitute, even though they may not appear to be, a weapon of chemicals that are harmful to health if they are ingested or inhaled by mistake.

Cleaning is not only done for prophylaxis, but also for aesthetics. However, it is somewhat contradictory to be supposedly disinfecting with elements that can be harmful to our health.

Cleaning products that you buy on the market are a mixture of different chemicals. These have the ability to remove dirt from different surfaces.

Acids are present in all formulas and could cause more serious problems than germs. In some cases, they could cause allergies, irritate the skin, or cause eye or respiratory reactions. They could also irritate the throat and nose, or even damage the lungs.

In turn, once used, these substances are discharged down the drain. In this way, they have a negative impact on the environment, since they tend to end up in rivers and soils.

This is why it is not only about avoiding them for a personal health issue. You also have to  be respectful with the environment, since in this way, you can contribute to helping the planet that gives us so much.

Tips and recipes on green cleaning at home

In order to maintain hygiene at home without harming the environment or nature,  frequently used products can be replaced by more natural, homemade or biodegradable products.

A good idea is not to restock a product when it runs out (that is, not to buy a new one). Thus, you would directly begin to use your substitute.

The three products that should never be missing in a home to clean are: vinegar, lemon and baking soda. These have disinfectant properties that will help remove stains and odors.

Fridge cleaning

  • To remove stains from home carpets, it can be soaked in a solution of one part vinegar to two parts water. Then, it is cleaned with a sponge and clean, dry water. In this case, it is best to use white vinegar. Also, keep in mind that not all rugs are the same. Therefore, it is best to test the mixture before in a non-visible area. If there is no noticeable change in color or texture, it can be used on the carpet.
  • A good substitute for fabric softener is made by mixing a glass of white vinegar and a few drops of essential oil (such as sage). The essential oils will help eliminate or cover the smell of the vinegar. This mixture should be applied at the end of the wash.
  • If you want to stop using bleach, you can opt for a chopped lemon placed inside a cotton bag inside the washing machine. This will help naturally whiten clothes. This is due to citric acid, which has a bleaching effect.
  • For stubborn stains on garments, rub dry white or natural soap before placing in the washing machine. If it is old, it can be  covered with sea salt (this will absorb the moisture from the stain). Afterwards, it only has to be rubbed with soap.
  • To scrub the floor, you can make an infusion of plants, well concentrated, such as rosemary or thyme. Then, you will be given some salt and a few drops of lavender essential oil. Afterwards, it is strained and poured into a bucket. Then it has to be filled halfway with warm water.
  • If you want your window panes to be transparent, you can mix vinegar and water in equal parts. Afterwards, a  few drops of neutral liquid soap are added. It is then stored in a spray bottle and can be used whenever needed.

And finally some recipe


  • It is possible to make an “eco-cleaner” by mixing 180 ml of ethyl alcohol, 800 ml of white vinegar, 15 ml of pine essential oil and 5 ml of peppermint essential oil. The application is one cap per bucket of water. These components have antiseptic properties that will help you disinfect the home.
  • Another recipe for ecological cleaner is made with some liquid vegetable soap, a little lemon juice and ΒΌ liter of warm water. Everything is mixed and then applied with a sponge.
  • Another good all-purpose cleaner is made by mixing 300 ml of vinegar, 100 ml of distilled water, and 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. This tree is antiseptic and contains antifungal properties against some types of fungi, according to this study by the University of Nairobi.
  • Finally, a good disinfectant for the bathroom could be made up of 125 ml of distilled water with a little tea tree essential oil (it has antifungal and antiseptic properties). You just have to pour it where you want to clean and let it act for a few minutes. Then it is rinsed off with a flush of water.

    Remember, it is in your hands to contribute to the improvement of nature. If, in addition, disorders or health problems can be avoided, you will have fulfilled a double task that, in the long run, will bring many rewards.

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