Eliminate Fat With Lemon, Apple Cider Vinegar And Coconut Oil

Naturally fermented apple cider vinegar shares properties with lemon and speeds up metabolism. It can help us lose weight and reduce body fat

Eliminate fat with certain foods in a simple way. These are foods that, if you incorporate them into your regular diet, can help you lose weight. Lemon and apple cider vinegar, among others, are some of the recommended foods.

In this article we explain how and why they work, as well as ways to effortlessly include them in your menus.

Eliminate fat … eating

We have the idea that the only way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. That is true since, in general, people who are over their ideal weight are usually consuming more food than they should and exercising less than they need.

However, it should be noted that eating less can also cause a slowdown in metabolism. This means that, when we accustom the body to perform its functions with little energy, then a “rebound effect” can occur. That is, anything you eat afterwards will make you gain weight more easily.

However, there are many other factors that can help us lose weight faster and healthier. These tips only imply changing some habits and, although by themselves they do not offer miraculous and immediate results, they can constantly mean a positive change in our routine:

  • Drink two liters of water outside of meals.
  • Eat less and more times a day, consuming most of your food before 5 in the afternoon.
  • Avoid sitting or still without moving for more than two hours at a time.
  • Get enough sleep, between 6 and 8 hours.
  • Incorporate foods that help us lose weight into our diet , as we explain below.

Eliminate fat


Lemon can be used to lose weight because:

  • It improves the digestion of fats, which helps to better assimilate those that our body needs and favors their loss. This is suggested by this study carried out by Sugiyama Jogakuen University (Japan).
  • It favors the elimination of liquids, so that we lose weight and reduce swelling.
  • Increases satiety and reduces appetite, thanks to its content in soluble fiber pectin.
  • It calms the anxiety that leads us to eat without hunger, as long as we consume it regularly.

How do we consume it?

  • In the form of healthy lemonade, with water and sweetened, if desired, with stevia. We can take it on an empty stomach and throughout the day.
  • As a dressing for any meat, fish, salad, etc. dish.
  • Using its peeling, if it is ecological, in infusions, sauces, smoothies, juices, etc.


Apple vinager

Many people consume vinegar every day and yet they do not know its virtues.

However, the most suitable vinegar is apple vinegar that has been made through natural fermentation, without pasteurization. It is not easy to find it, but we can look for it in health food stores and natural products stores.

Natural apple cider vinegar shares many properties with lemon. According to this study carried out by the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, it is a great ally in preventing obesity and inflammatory processes.

It is important to bear in mind that we cannot overdo it with the consumption of vinegar, as it could cause heartburn. Therefore, we will consume it in the following ways:

  • As a dressing in our recipes, in moderate quantities. It allows us to reduce the consumption of salt.
  • One tablespoon (10 g) of vinegar with a pinch of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water (200 ml), on an empty stomach, or half an hour before the meal.

    Apple cider vinegar

    Coconut oil?

    An oil that removes fat? Although it may seem surprising to us, some fats are beneficial and necessary for our health, since many bodily functions use them regularly.

    Coconut oil is one of these healthy fats that helps fight fat accumulation. This occurs because its components (medium chain triglycerides) seem to increase the metabolic rate and promote weight loss, although more studies are still needed to determine the veracity of this, according to this research carried out by the University of Oxford.

    It must be extra virgin coconut oil to make sure its nutrients are intact.

    How do we consume it?

    • If we consume it alone, we can take one or two tablespoons a day, on an empty stomach or mixed with food.
    • We can use it for cooking, alternating it with olive oil, since they are the best oils to subject to high temperatures.
    • Mixed with juices and smoothies it favors the assimilation of all the nutrients.
    • Mixed with the lemonade that we have discussed previously, at a hot temperature so that it melts.

    Ideally, you should include these elements in your diet while improving your habits to achieve the look and health you want.

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