Foods To Detoxify The Liver

Did you know that if we consume green leafy vegetables we can neutralize heavy metals and other toxins that affect the liver?

Foods to detoxify the liver and our body are extremely easy to consume. The diet that we can eat today can be of little benefit and unhealthy for our organs. Over time they suffer and that is why we need to “clean” them.

Eating in excess, fried foods, processed foods or foods with additives, schedules and rushing meals are harmful to health, especially if we add stress and worries to this.

Therefore, nothing better than taking advantage of the benefits of various supplements to detoxify our body as much as possible. In this case we will focus on detoxifying the liver.

The liver and food

When we eat, some of our organs such as the stomach and intestines are responsible for breaking down the food so that the nutrients can be absorbed.

Many of these particles reach the liver, which is responsible for filtering them to take them to the bloodstream to the cells that need it. These nutrients are stored in our liver and are released throughout the day so that we can have proteins, fats, etc. essential for our health.

How to use foods that cleanse the liver?

As in any other eating plan, the ideal is to gradually add these foods to our daily diet. It is recommended, for this particular case, to perform two liver and gallbladder cleansings twice a year and, in turn, leave aside foods that are not good for health and these organs. A good option is to add one each week.

List of foods to detoxify the liver:

These are the foods that should not be missing in the daily diet to be able to carry out an effective cleaning:

  1. Garlic: with a small amount you can activate the enzymes of this organ and eliminate toxins. In turn, it contains selenium and allicin, which allow the liver to better cleanse.
  2. Grapefruit: due to its high content of vitamin C and antioxidants, it helps to increase the natural detoxification mechanism. You can have a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice in the morning before breakfast to excrete carcinogenic substances.
  3. Carrots and beets: due to their great contribution of beta-carotene and flavonoids, it favors the stimulation of liver function.
  4. Green tea: it is an ally for the liver due to its compounds, such as catechin, which assists in the functions of this organ and is also a natural slimming agent.
  5. Green leafy vegetables (spinach, chard): can be eaten raw, cooked or in juice. They provide chlorophyll and in turn, absorb toxins from the bloodstream. They also neutralize toxic metals, pesticides, and chemicals in food and protect the liver.
  6. Avocado: helps in the production of glutathione, a vital element for liver cleansing and for the elimination of toxins. It should be consumed regularly raw.
  7. The apple: contain pectin and other good components for the release of toxins from the digestive tract.
  8. Olive oil: they can also be others such as flax or hemp (cold pressed), because thanks to their lipids they eliminate toxins and reduce the toxic overload of the liver.
  9. Grains: it can be brown rice or quinoa for example. Rich in B vitamins, they help metabolize fats and decongest the liver. It is recommended not to consume white flour.
  10. Cruciferous vegetables: such  as broccoli and cauliflower, which increase glucosinolates and enzyme production, while eliminating carcinogenic substances.

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