Garlic: A Jewel In Your Kitchen And The Secrets To Obtain The Maximum Benefits

Garlic has been used around the world for thousands of years. Its benefits and properties have made eating garlic highly recommended to prevent diseases.

In fact, it has essential nutrients for the body. It is not only used in the culinary field, but also in the context of pharmacology. There are several products that include garlic among their ingredients.

The history of garlic

Did you know that multiple historical texts have been found related to Hippocrates, father of current medicine, where he recommended its consumption for the treatment of multiple ailments? These include:

  • Respiratory problems.
  • Parasites
  • Poor digestion
  • Fatigue.

At the same time, it is also interesting to know that during various epidemics that occurred throughout World War I (such as cholera or tuberculosis), garlic was used as the best antiseptic, also very suitable for cleaning and healing wounds.

Now, beyond its historical perspective, something we all know is that we would no longer understand our cuisine without that special ingredient.

The garlic bulb is the part most used in our daily dishes. We include it in salads, in meats, in rice dishes. Just one well minced tooth is enough for that food to have that special point that we like so much.

Now, does it still maintain the same properties even after it has been cooked? Today in our space we want to explain to you how to make the most of its natural virtues so that eating garlic is not only rich but also beneficial for health.

Cooked garlic, lost garlic?

garlic to remove warts

We all know the old saying “cooked garlic, lost garlic.” Does that mean that every time we prepare it in the pan together with other foods we are losing its original nutrients?

Well, it is clear that the best way to consume it is naturally. However, when cooking them, the “magic” strategy to preserve their properties is to grind or chop them.

Garlic contains alliin and an enzyme called allinase. When cutting or crushing it, they mix and enhance the presence of allicin, that enzyme that, as we already know, acts as a natural antibiotic and disinfectant. In fact, its properties when it comes to fighting pathogenic microorganisms have been evidenced by science.

At the same time, to preserve their natural properties a little better, the ideal is not to let them burn : it is enough to “brown” them a little bit in the pan or put them last when we are cooking them.

Last but not least, it should be remembered that it is not advisable to cook them in the microwave. Its compounds, almost all volatile, are lost instantly. An example of them would be inulin, a prebiotic that has shown capabilities on the modulation of the intestinal flora.

Eating garlic: How to cook them?


How to choose and store them

  • Always choose garlic heads that are firm when touched, without voids and with a uniform color.
  • When you want to keep them, avoid storing them in cool places. Don’t put them in the fridge. Better, take them to a dark and dry place.
  • Ceramic jars that have small holes are very useful to keep them in good condition.

How to peel garlic

  • To peel your garlic quickly and easily, simply place it on a kitchen board and pound it with a flat knife or spoon.
  • Then take them to a boat and shake them.
  • When you open it, you will see how the garlic is almost ready to be cooked.

When cooking, remember that …

  • It should always be cooked over low heat.
  • The garlic will be ready when you see it golden brown.
  • Although it catches your attention and you have heard about the virtues of black garlic, remember that we cannot prepare it at home. It is a type of caramelized garlic, the result of a natural reaction that takes place through a very slow process. According to a study published in Molecules , this variety has numerous antioxidant compounds that are beneficial for health.

    The healthiest way to eat garlic

    Garlic cloves

    As we have pointed out throughout the article, the best way to take advantage of 100% of the natural virtues of garlic is to consume it in its raw form.

    We know that eating raw garlic is not easy: its flavor is intense and it usually leaves us bad breath. However, this small daily effort is orchestrating adequate changes in our body. So, don’t hesitate: take note of how we can make the most of this gift of nature.

    • Consume them in the morning, chopped. Do not chew them, just swallow them like a pill and you will reduce bad breath.
    • You can also laminate it and include it naturally in the salad.
    • Take a slice of rye bread, add a little olive oil and chop a garlic on top. It’s delicious.
    • If you combine it with a little parsley, it won’t leave you bad breath either.

    Finally, and as a curiosity, you can also eat raw garlic followed by a glass of milk or yogurt. Dairy soothes garlic breath and you will do very well on a day-to-day basis.

    Garlic, a healthy food

    Garlic has been shown to be a health food loaded with volatile compounds capable of generating health benefits. For this reason, we recommend its use in the kitchen on a regular basis, which contributes to a more complete diet.

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