Gluten-free Coconut Cookies

Cookies are not exactly the most dietary and healthy products. However, you can enjoy much healthier cookies if you prepare them properly. For example, today we bring you these delicious gluten-free coconut cookies.

Many people are unaware that they can replace many of the high-fat, high-calorie ingredients in cookies.

All the ingredients that we use for this recipe are natural, so try to get them to obtain a fresh flavor and without artificial aromas. So we have the perfect combination: easy, fast and also very healthy.


lemon cookies and coconut cookies

  • 4 large eggs
  • 50 g of whole cane sugar
  • 50 g of grated coconut
  • 80 g of rice flour
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 50 g of almonds


  • The first thing you should do is heat the oven to 180 ÂșC, so that you have everything ready at the time of baking and do not extend the preparation time to the cookies.
  • In a deep bowl, mix the brown sugar with the eggs. Try to incorporate them very well, until not a single sugar crystal remains.
  • Then add the grated coconut, reserving a tablespoon for last.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the rice flour with the baking soda. Sift them through a strainer over the mixture of eggs, sugar and coconut.
  • Mix generously, incorporating each of the ingredients very well, and ensure that not a single lump remains. This may take a little time, but it will give the cookies a nice final texture.
  • Cover a baking sheet with wax paper and, helping you with a spoon, put balls of the mixture. Place several separated from each other, so that they do not stick when they are baking.
  • Now dip a spoon and flatten the mixture a bit.

    Coconut cookies

    • Cut the almonds into thin slices and top your cookies with them.
    • Take some of the coconut you reserved and put it on top of the sheets. You can also create an attractive design if you put them on the dough, playing between parts with almonds and others with coconut.
    • Now you can take your tray with the coconut cookies to the oven and leave them until they are golden brown. This way they will be crispy and tasty. This will not take more than 20 minutes.
    • Once they are golden, remove them from the oven and leave them resting on a tray at room temperature (remember that eating the hot cookies can cause you a bit of an upset stomach).
    • Once they are cold you can serve them accompanied by a drink or simply reserve them to enjoy them at any time.

    Additional tips

    If you want to feel more the texture of the almonds in the cookies, instead of cutting them into sheets you can crush them into small pieces.

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