Having Nail Fungus: Everything You Need To Know

As soon as you see the signs of the presence of a nail fungus, go to a specialist doctor for treatment so that you can avoid complications .

The hands and feet are a sample of the health of our body and its well-being. Its care is a symbol of personal hygiene, especially in the case of nails. Having nail fungus is something quite annoying physically and aesthetically.

There are many factors that can weaken, break, and even infect and destroy nails. These compromise not only your image and comfort but our health. Fungi are one of these factors and require special care.

We tell you everything you need to know about nail fungus care:

Who is affected by onychomycosis?

Nail fungus or onychomycosis

Known as onychomycosis, nail infection is caused by fungi that cause pain, itching, and even loss of the nail. Fungi in the fingernails and toenails are a cause for concern as they affect a heavily used area of ​​the body.

Although fungal infection can affect anyone, there are several factors that make some more likely to suffer from this condition.

Fungi multiply in hot and humid environments, so those who are exposed to these types of spaces on a daily basis may be more prone.

Contact with detergents and abrasive substances promotes the appearance of nail fungus. Tasks that keep your hands moist can also promote fungus growth.

Another risk factor for developing onychomycosis is wearing very tight or airless shoes for long periods of time. Athletes often suffer from this type of fungus, as they generally wear tight shoes for a long time.

In addition, most changing rooms and dressing rooms are closed and humid spaces. You can also develop nail fungus if:

  • You have diabetes
  • You have chronic dermatitis
  • You are under immunosuppressive treatment
  • You use corticosteroids
  • You wear occlusive gloves permanently
  • You do the manicure, pedicure or sculpted nails without taking the pertinent hygienic precautions
  • You are old

Do these mushrooms cause pain?

Although we often take the health of our nails for granted, any problem that afflicts them, from cutting them more than they should or having an ingrown toenail, can be incredibly uncomfortable and often very painful.

A nail infection is painful if it is not treated in time and, in addition, it causes discomfort in our daily life.

These types of infections can even be dangerous for the health of the rest of our body. Infection of the fingernails and toenails generally begins in the periungual fold or the area around the nail. In these cases, this area becomes inflamed and red, so any contact with it will cause pain.

There are cases in which you can suffer from chronic paronychia, a painful inflammation better known as a nail, which sometimes even develops pus. If the fungus invades the nail, it usually changes color to a yellowish or brownish tone.

The nail causes overproduction of keratin in the nails, so they tend to thicken and harden, and stretch marks or grooves form.

In chronic cases due to lack of treatment, the nail tissue is destroyed or it is simply separated from the skin. As a result, it causes pain and exposes the fingers to other infections.

Prevention and treatment if you have nail fungus

Foot care: cut nails and baths with water.

Nail infection can be caused by ringworms, in which case it is called “ringworm”, or by yeast infections. On both occasions, the symptoms are similar, so it is necessary for a specialist doctor to determine the treatment.

The best way to prevent nail fungus is to maintain good body hygiene.

Care should also be taken with the instruments used for manicures and pedicures, especially in public places such as beauty salons and spas.

It is important that you dry your hands and feet well after contact with water. Keep spaces like bathtubs and showers clean. Finally, avoid wearing shoes and socks without first drying your feet properly.

If you notice symptoms of a nail infection, go to a specialist doctor to determine the ideal treatment to fight the infection. Remember that each case is different, so you need a specific treatment.

You must attack the fungus quickly to avoid complications such as losing the nail. Also avoid manipulating the nail with nail clippers or other implements so that they do not become infected or your infection is not complicated due to cuts.

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