Hidden Calories: Your Salad Is Not Always As Healthy As You Think

Even if you think that consuming more salads is enough to follow a healthy diet, you could be consuming hidden calories that sabotage your efforts. Have you thought about it?

Do you consider that your diet is healthy and balanced? Many people think that adding salads to your diet is enough for a healthier life . However, you could be consuming hidden calories that sabotage your efforts. Adding certain ingredients can make the salad a healthy or high-calorie dish.

Think about it: What extras do you add to your salad ? They are fresh? Do they contain carbohydrates or trans fats? To know the foods that you should use and those that you should not continue reading. We’ll tell you what to avoid to make sure your salad really helps you lose weight.

Hidden calories in your salad

1. Creamy dressings

What do you like to accompany your salad with? Ranch- style dressings , based on blue cheese , Parmesan, chipotle, or Caesar, are some examples of dressings that add hidden calories.

Caesar salad.

The alternative, if you want to get that creamy touch, are vegetable oils. In this sense, you have several options that you can adapt according to the flavors you want:

  • Avocado.
  • Sesame.
  • Chile .
  • Herbs.

On the other hand, a good option is the vinaigrettes prepared at home. For example, you can combine a little balsamic vinegar with virgin or extra virgin olive oil. As an extra touch, you can add a little juice of some fruit or a small piece. Remember that adding spice can always be a good idea. According to research published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.

2. Bacon

It is undeniable that a salad can be boring if we do not add some flavor to enhance it. One of the elements that we can add but that provides hidden calories is bacon.

At first glance, it may appear that you are adding very little meat. However, barely A medium piece of bacon gives you 400 calories and 30 grams of fat.

The problem with this meat is that it is too fatty a cut of pork. Therefore, to prepare it you no longer need any other type of fat and once cooked, you must remove the excess fat.

In case you want cold meat, you can use ham. If you want the crispy texture of the bacon, choose the bacon turkey. This is a really lean option that won’t give you extra lipids.

3. Seeds

A good salad should include one or two servings of seeds to provide healthy fats. However, you must ensure that these are free of sugars, salt and other elements to avoid hidden calories . Among those that you should skip we find:

  • Caramelised or glazed seeds.
  • Salty or flavored.
  • Covers of any type of commercial substance.

Salad with seeds.

For this reason, the best alternative is to prepare your own seeds, avoiding as much as possible adding sugar and refined salt. Some options are:

  • Toast the seeds with a piece of garlic or some aromatic herbs.
  • Dip the peanuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds in chili pepper with a touch of ground sea salt instantly.

All of these foods are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Scientific evidence affirms that these nutrients are essential in ensuring the maintenance of cardiovascular health.

4. Croutons, breads and the like

Likewise, another ingredient that can provide hidden calories to a great extent is prepared foods based on flours. Here we can count:

  • Croutons.
  • Toasted bread.
  • Tortillas.
  • Tortilla chips.
  • Toasts.

The problem with these items is that they contain a lot of calories and most have undergone some frying process. .

Consequently, very small portions provide us with large amounts of saturated fats that affect heart health and processed flours that alter the levels of glucose .

Bread in the salad.

In case you do not want to do without these foods, check the labels and respect the portions. Generally, one or two servings will suffice to enhance your salad, so don’t overdo it. A healthier alternative is to add just one serving of nuts.

5. Cheeses

Finally, cheese is another ingredient that provides hidden calories if you’re not careful. The cheeses that can be added without problem are low in fat, such as cottage , feta or light panela . Try to avoid fatty and high-salt ones, such as:

  • Blue.
  • Cheddar.
  • Manchego.

With all this, do you think you are adding hidden calories to your salad? If you want a light salad, pay attention to the ingredients and the dressing you add. Avoid, above all, packaged sauces.

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