Honey For Colds

Honey can help relieve sore throats, as well as pharyngitis. We can take it alone, with milk or dilute it in water to gargle.

It is recognized that honey is a unique and effective food to improve colds. There are different types of honeys, depending on the nectar of the flowers and the sugary substances that the bees mostly eat in the hive.

The power of honey

Therapeutic and medicinal properties

  • Antibacterial power. It is due to its contribution of inhibins, its high osmolarity, low pH, presence of volatile substances and low water activity value (Ulloa, et al., 2010). In addition, it has enzymes such as glucose oxidase, related to the antibacterial effect.
  • Antioxidant power. So it helps prevent immune system problems such as colds. It also helps us prevent cataracts and the risk of cardiovascular problems.
  • Anti-inflammatory power. For its effect on free radicals.
  • Analgesic power. Due to its anti-edematous and exhudative capacity, it reduces pain. It is therefore used in the healing of superficial wounds (Schencke, et al., 2016). A study carried out with alveolitis patients, observed a significant reduction in pain.

    Honey has a therapeutic potential that we can benefit from to prevent and treat catarrhal processes.

    As we can see, it has a therapeutic potential from which we can benefit to prevent and treat catarrhal processes. The most suitable for treating colds and colds are the following:

    • The honey milflores : the most commercialized, formed by the nectar of several flowers, in equitable quantities.
    • The eucalyptus honey : produced by bees when they process the nectar of eucalyptus flowers. Dark in color and strong flavor.

    Honey as a remedy

    exist various ways to use honey to treat a cold :

    • Diluted in hot milk : drink. It is recommended in processes where there is no excess mucus, since dairy products can intensify the amount of mucus.
      • Diluted in hot water : gargle with the mixture. We can mix it with lemon juice if we want to provide our body with vitamin C, necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system.
      • Spoonful of honey : ingested directly.

      Honey can help relieve symptoms such as: sore throat, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis.

      Honey can help relieve symptoms such as: sore throat, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis. It helps us, as we have mentioned, to reduce inflammation or pain and fights the bacteria that can cause us discomfort.

      Despite the natural remedies we choose, catarrhal processes can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever and headache. If necessary, you should consult a professional and always avoid drug-based self-medication.

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