How To Do A Colon Cleanse

Thanks to a good natural treatment, you can detoxify the colon, free it of all the negative waste that is taking its toll on your body and discard the pollutants that make you sick. Learn how to do a colon cleanse and start living a healthier life.

What should you know about colon cleansing?

Alternative medicines indicate that it is necessary to perform a colon cleanse from time to time in order to eliminate all toxins, fecal matter and contaminants that are accumulating in this organ. Harmful substances can cause many diseases and general poor health.
Image of the colon

During the colon cleansing stage, you need to take care of your diet. And also that you maintain a diet without dairy, irritating foods and too much protein. The best option is to eat vegetables and fruits with a lot of fiber. Never stop drinking water.

On the other hand, it is good after cleaning the colon to balance the intestinal bacteria, since most will have been eliminated. Eat plain yogurt, a supplement with bacilli, yeast, or chukrut. In the latter case, cabbage contains glutamine, which accelerates the regeneration of cells in the digestive system.

Another idea is to receive exfoliation massages to release the toxins also through the urine. Lymphatic drainage is highly recommended. An exercise routine that can be done is called “Makaho” which is based on a series of stretches for the large intestine that help improve the flow of energy from the colon.

And, if you are doing a colon cleanse, you should stay at home all day and the next. It is ideal for the weekend. Try not to make a lot of movements or to go out.

Smoothies and juices to cleanse the colon

As already indicated, the colon is a very important area. There nutrients and vitamins are absorbed and waste is removed. When the colon is full of toxins, harmful substances and fats, its task is compromised, resulting in disease and general discomfort.

In order to clean the colon naturally, we can enjoy the properties of homemade juices and smoothies. Here are some ideas:

Green juice of aloe, cucumber and apple

This juice is really very delicious and has the ability to detoxify the colon. Its ingredients are all cleansing and its effect will be guaranteed. Your intestine will be healthier and at first glance your figure will be more deflated.

Ingredients and preparation

  • A slice of pineapple
  • Half cucumber with skin
  • A small apple (better green)
  • Half a leaf of aloe vera or aloe

You just have to chop the ingredients and mix everything in the blender with the orange juice. You can add a glass of water so that it is not so thick. Drink on an empty stomach and in the afternoon for seven days in a row.
Smoothie to cleanse the colon

Ginger juice

It is one of the easiest recipes to cleanse the colon that exist. It is really effective to eliminate toxins in a simple and gentle way. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and improves digestion.

Ingredients and preparation

  • A washed and peeled ginger root
  • A glass of water.

Chop and place in the blender with the water. Mix well and strain. Drink on an empty stomach, you can sweeten it with a little honey. It is also very good for reducing nausea, heartburn, reflux or other digestive problems, while detoxifying the colon.

Red juice to cleanse the colon

You will deflate the colon and at the same time you will eliminate toxins. It is a very fresh juice with diuretic and antioxidant properties.

Ingredients and preparation

  • 6 strawberries
  • A slice of natural pineapple
  • A tablespoon of fresh parsley.

Mix the ingredients after washing them in a blender, with a little water. Consume once a day, before breakfast, for a week.

Lemon juice
Lemon juice to cleanse the colon

Lemon juice to cleanse the colon

Lemon has many properties to detoxify the body in general. If you want to cleanse the colon, you simply have to squeeze the juice of a lemon and mix it with half a glass of warm water. Drink before you sleep.

Keeping the colon clean is very important to avoid other more serious problems. And doing it is very simple with these natural remedies. Feel free to try them.

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