How To Prepare An Herbal Conditioner With Vinegar To Strengthen Hair

Although we can find commercial products with the same purpose, this herbal conditioner allows us to take care of our hair, promotes growth and prevents hair loss without resorting to chemicals

The conditioner is one of the hair products that cannot be absent from the beauty routine of all women.

Its properties strengthen the hair strands. Plus, they can help fix common problems like dryness, split ends, and excessive hair loss.

It is usually used before or after shampooing. However, it can also be used on its own as an alternative treatment to shine and protect.

Its regular application provides a significant amount of antioxidants, essential oils and amino acids. Together these give the mane a healthy look.

They can be found in multiple presentations on the market. However, there are also natural recipes whose properties offer similar effects.

This time we want to share one made with herbs and vinegar so that you can pamper your hair without spending too much. You will love it!

Herbal conditioner with vinegar to strengthen hair

Herbal conditioner is an alternative product that concentrates the properties of rosemary with vinegar. These can help you provide a complete hair treatment.

Its active compounds nourish the hair roots. In addition, after being assimilated, it can help  create a barrier against problems such as dandruff and excessive hair loss.

Unlike other products with oily compounds, this preparation does not alter the natural production of oils. It can also help regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

This means that, although it is not creamy like other conditioners, it moisturizes and adds shine without causing dryness or excess oil production.

Rosemary benefits for hair


Rosemary is one of the most used plants for what has to do with hair health.

Its antioxidant properties promote detoxification of the scalp. In addition, by the way, they create a protective barrier against the negative action of free radicals.

Thanks to its vitamin B3 content, rosemary helps to strengthen blood vessels. This can improve circulation.

Thus, it can favor the activation of hair follicles to promote hair growth.

On the other hand, it has disinfectant and antifungal active ingredients. These  help control the growth of fungi and bacteria that proliferate on the scalp.

Benefits of vinegar for hair

Apple vinager

Vinegar is a natural product. In recent years, it has become popular as an alternative to the conditioners that are sold on the market.

Thanks to its acidic properties, it can help regulate the natural pH of the scalp. In addition, by the way, it seals the cuticles to avoid excessive loss.

These properties prevent alterations in the activity of the sebaceous glands and retain natural moisture in the hair roots.

It also has antifungal substances that help prevent the formation of dandruff or skin infections.

As if that were not enough, it can help you have a strong, abundant hair free of certain problems, such as split ends.

How to make this herbal vinegar conditioner?

Rosemary oil

The preparation of this herbal conditioner is recommended for those who want to restore the shine and softness of their hair without using aggressive products.

In addition, it is an inexpensive and easy recipe to prepare. This, added in the beauty routine, helps reduce the accumulation of waste and dead cells that usually remain on the scalp.


  • 5 tablespoons of fresh rosemary (50 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar (250 ml)
  • 6 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 6 drops of peppermint essential oil


  • First, take the tablespoons of fresh rosemary and mix them with the two cups of water in a pot.
  • Then bring it to a boil for 30 to 40 minutes over low heat, covered. Thus, the properties of the herb will not be lost through steam.
  • After this time, strain the infusion through a fine mesh sieve and let the liquid settle.
  • Once it is at room temperature, add the vinegar and essential oils.
  • Next, stir with a wooden utensil and let it rest for 12 hours.
  • Lastly, pour the conditioner into a spray bottle and store it in a cool, dark place.

Application mode

  • After washing your hair with your regular shampoo, separate several strands and apply the product. Distribute it well using gentle circular massages.
  • Then you can let it dry without rinsing. Try to use it every day.
  • The essential oils should camouflage the smell of the vinegar. However, if you notice that the vinegar smell is too strong, you can apply the conditioner for a couple of minutes. Then you rinse and reapply the shampoo.

Is your hair dull and lifeless? Go ahead and prepare this natural product and start giving it a healthier look without using chemicals.

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