How To Recycle A Cupboard With Paint And Wallpaper?

If you are interested in the idea of ​​giving a new look to your kitchen, living room or dining room, we have an excellent idea to offer you. In just one work day, you can upcycle a pantry with paint and wallpaper. You know how to do it?

To recycle a pantry using paint and wallpaper, you’d better remove its doors; In this way, the background will be visible and you will be able to apply the different decoration techniques on it. If you choose to leave them, you can work on them to change their current appearance. As you can see, the options are many.

Ways to recycle a pantry using paint and wallpaper

With the following suggestions, you can change the look of your pantry with just a couple of items. Take note and apply these tips in your kitchen!

1. Flowered paper

Flowered paper offers great results when used – without exaggeration – in kitchens. For this reason, using it in the cupboard where you keep your dishes or other objects can be very positive. The easiest method to do this is to remove the piece of wood that makes up the bottom of the cabinet. Then, paste the paper with subtlety and avoid any imperfections, especially at the angles.

A very good idea to enhance this use is to have paper of different colors. This way, you could use a different one for the bottom of each shelf.

If removing the background is not a viable option, don’t worry; Although it will take a little more work, you can decorate with paper anyway. How? Just cut out squares to the appropriate size and glue them separately. Another alternative is to wallpaper a wooden square of the same dimension as the bottom of the cupboard and then nail it over it.


2. Change the color of the cupboard

If you consider that to recycle the cupboard you should give it a new coat of paint, here are some recommendations. As for the color, it is clear that the first option, or at least the most popular, is white. Also the different shades of brown are very accepted for these environments.

However, there are those who allow themselves to experiment a little more and opt for dark grays, almost black, or the different shades of red. Ultimately, everything will depend on the colors you have chosen for the other elements of the kitchen, such as the refrigerator, the stove and other appliances.

3. Recycle a pantry by spray painting

What about the technique to use? Of course, the more traditional ones will opt for the beloved brush, and surely this can bring great advantages.

However, from here we suggest considering the use of spray paint ; it is a fast, effective and easily manipulated method, even for the least expert in the field. You will most likely need two or three cans, depending on the size of the cupboard. If you decide to do it this way, it is advisable that you follow the following recommendations:

  • Clean the furniture surface well before painting ; otherwise, dirt particles will stick and ruin the cupboard.
  • Choose the appropriate spray : they come with different effects, such as textured, shiny, etc. Also, consider quality; Often times, the cheapest ones don’t allow you to achieve the finish you want, which can mess up the process.
  • Paint in ventilated places and, if you have one, use a trigger to avoid getting dirty.

4. Details with paint


When it comes to using paint to change the appearance of a cupboard, you don’t need to paint the entire cupboard . If you still like the old tone but want to partially renew it, you can paint the doors, the sides or the front of the drawers – remember to remove the handles so that there are no gaps.

5. Details with wallpaper

As we mentioned in the first point, wallpaper offers you many alternatives to recycle a cupboard. In addition to working on the background, you have the option of wallpapering the doors, or at least part of them. But don’t be left alone with that; also the sides, the shelves or the top surface of the cupboard  – if it is visible – look very good when you place this paper on them.

As minimal as they may seem, details with wallpaper can be perfect with the right lighting and decoration. You can find very discreet motifs, typical of minimalist or traditional designs, and also the most daring, which will give a touch of undeniable vitality to your spaces.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that these five ideas are perfectly combinable with each other. In fact, in this way you can fully exploit the possibilities that you have at your disposal. Get to work and create!

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