How To Whiten Teeth With Coconut Oil, Turmeric And Clay

It is believed that coconut oil and turmeric can be used to help get rid of some of the bacterial plaque, which is responsible for progressively darken the teeth, making them more prone to cavities and gingivitis.

With these three natural ingredients we can achieve positive results in the appearance of our teeth. To begin with, this study shown by the National Library of Medicine of the United States , explains that coconut oil is derived from the nut (fruit) of the coconut palm. The oil from the walnut is used to make medicine. Some coconut oil products are known as “virgin” coconut oil.

Likewise, this same study explains that the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database classifies efficacy, based on scientific evidence, according to a scale that is classified as: Effective, Probably Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Probably Ineffective, Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence to Make a Determination.

So, it is believed that by mixing coconut oil with turmeric and clay, it could grant us some positive benefits when it comes to whitening our teeth. For this reason, in this article we explain how you can prepare this natural alternative with these three ingredients.

It will interest you!

Why do the teeth turn yellow?

Based on this information, it can be seen that among the most common causes of teeth turning that yellowish color are:

  • Age : Over time, teeth lose the pristine white of youth and many patients reach adulthood with teeth a yellowish hue. Incorrect oral hygiene and the evolution of the tooth itself with age (wear of the enamel and thickening of the dentin) also contribute to the teeth losing their original white.
  • Tobacco : The habitual consumption of cigarettes, cigars and pipes, usually causes that the teeth acquire a yellowish or grayish color, as a result of the staining caused by nicotine. This problem is accentuated in older people.
  • Foods and drinks that stain teeth. The habitual consumption of wine, coffee, tea and soft drinks, also affects the tone of the teeth, which ends up becoming darker. Although we put it last, diet is one of the most influential factors in the development of yellow teeth.

    In addition, some drugs such as tetracyclines, inherited calcium deficiencies and excessive exposure to fluoride during tooth development (fluorosis), can also affect the shade of tooth enamel.

    So, we can give a small conclusion about this, stating that the most common causes of tooth discoloration are:

    • Poorly balanced diet, rich in sugars, refined flours and other fermentable carbohydrates.
    • Digestive disorders
    • Tobacco.
    • Alcohol.
    • Coffee and black tea.
    • Poor dental hygiene

    The best way to prevent teeth from turning yellow is to prevent. For this, the ideal is to maintain healthy lifestyle habits and optimal dental hygiene. The mixture of coconut oil, clay and turmeric can help you with the task.

    Let’s see a little more about this.

    Three medicinal ingredients for teeth whitening

    Coconut oil and clay are two common ingredients in organic toothpastes; Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory that is used in the treatment of some diseases. These three ingredients can be found in health food stores and health food stores.

    Coconut oil

    We have already talked a bit in previous lines, for this reason it is important that we now address a little more about coconut oil. For example, we can mention that bacteria that are not eliminated correctly darken our teeth and predispose them to suffer infections such as cavities or gingivitis.

    Here is a study that talks about the effectiveness of coconut oil when used as an antimicrobial. The study explains that it can be effective in combating that thin film of bacteria that accumulates on the surface of the teeth and causes it to turn yellow.

    He ends by concluding that coconut oil can be included as an alternative treatment for tooth decay.

    Coconut oil for teeth whitening


    Clay, according to this study, has the ability to absorb toxic substances while providing beneficial minerals for health. In the mouth it works by helping us to eliminate the remains of food, particles and microorganisms that accumulate between the teeth and mineralize, forming tartar.

    It is essential to emphasize that we cannot use just any clay in the mouth. Some may contain heavy metals and other substances that are too aggressive for the oral mucosa. We will always choose special white clay for oral use. That is, it can be ingested. In addition, it must have a very fine powder texture so as not to scratch the enamel.


    Although turmeric is a well-known food coloring, its dental use has the opposite effect: it can progressively whiten teeth. This information also shows that it is an effective antimicrobial, capable of fighting bacterial plaque that can wear and yellow enamel.

    Also, this study shows us that turmeric is anti-inflammatory. So, it could contribute as a helping factor in people who suffer from tartar, and therefore, gingivitis. By doing this, you help eliminate the progressive inflammation of the gums that can cause them to bleed when brushing your teeth.


    How do we prepare it?

    It is extremely easy, it can be done simply and in a few simple steps.

    1. The first thing will be to mix the clay and turmeric well. You can use a spoon to do it.
    2. Then we add the coconut oil little by little while we are moving. The idea is to do it until we get an easy-to-apply gel texture.
    3. Finally, we recommend that you prepare only the amount that you are going to use at the moment, since coconut oil tends to harden and you could lose the mixture that you are not going to use.

    How do we apply it?

    We will apply the mixture as we would our usual toothpaste. Just keep in mind that  turmeric is a very powerful dye that can stain clothes and even bathroom ceramics.

    To whiten teeth, we brush well and rinse our mouths with this product between once a day. We can alternate it with our usual toothpaste.

    Good hygiene

    In addition to using this natural alternative to treat dental plaque, it is essential to use a proper toothbrush in good condition. It is also convenient to change it every three months at least.

    Brushing should last at least 2 minutes and we must do it in all directions and without forgetting the innermost part.

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