Is It Bad To Put Ice In The Drink?

The problem is not the ice itself, but all the microorganisms that accumulate in the freezer, or even the ones we have on our hands when serving them

When summer comes we want to cool off and take off the heat in any way. One of them is to consume an ice cold soda. If there is no more in the fridge or freezer, then we choose to put ice on it and the matter is solved.

Did you know that it is not a good idea? In this article we tell you the reasons why you should avoid ice cubes in your glasses.

Dirty ice, contaminated drink

Different investigations have been carried out to determine if ice cubes are good for your health. The result has been chilling: in most fast food establishments and cafeterias  the water used to make ice was full of bacteria (in doses similar to those found in the bathrooms of the same premises).

The heads of the multinationals  have suggested that the possible discovery of the bacteria is due to a human factor. In other words, those who handle the machines and the ice cubes are the same employees.

Although laboratory analysis did not show signs of serious contamination in the beverages from these establishments, the levels of bacteria were higher than considered “normal.

It is good to keep in mind that the problem is not the water with which the ice is made but the proliferation of bacteria in the machine that produces it or the hands of the person who serves the drinks.

Another issue that must be taken into account is traveling to countries or cities where the water is not drinkable. Exotic destinations in Africa, Asia and America are not properly sanitized and the water is likely to be drawn from polluted rivers, ponds, streams or reservoirs.

In this particular case, we recommend not consuming ice cubes,  without exception. It is preferable that the drink is hot than that we have to spend several days locked in the hotel with diarrhea, vomiting and colic.

What if I prepare the ice?

When we put the water in the trays we have to wash our hands. In addition, we must clean the ice dispenser in the refrigerator or the ice buckets, since it is likely that mold has grown which will then pass to the cube, from there to the drink and, finally, to the body.

It is important that before pouring the water into the container you verify that it is clean,  as well as your hands. When the cubes are done, and before serving, wash your hands to avoid transferring any germs or bacteria.

If you comply with all the sanitary requirements when preparing and placing the ice cubes, there is less chance of introducing microorganisms that are harmful to health.

However, there is still something else worth taking into account when rethinking the consumption of drinks that are too cold: the irritation that it causes in the throat and vocal cords. If when you get home with a lot of heat, the first thing you do is drink a soda, juice or a glass of cold water, you can later suffer from a sore throat or even dysphonia.

Cold drinks vs. hot drinks: which ones win?

Cold drinks vs hot drinks

Something really interesting to continue adding points in favor of not using ice cubes is what the intake of liquids that is too cold produces in the body (especially in the stomach).

Drinking ice or near-frozen water during meals has been confirmed to cause indigestion. Therefore, Asians consume green tea instead of juice or soft drink.

By consuming cold fluids, blood vessels constrict, mucus production increases in the body, and hydration is hampered. On the other hand, by drinking warm water (for example, an infusion) the intestinal movement is better, the digestion is finished faster, the blood is purified and the body is detoxified through the kidneys.

Finally, you should know that consuming something warm or hot when you eat helps to better digest the fats you are eating, and prevents them from solidifying on the stomach walls.

Advised, then tea when the menu includes vegetable or animal fats (oils, nuts, meat, egg yolk or butter).

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