Is The Lack Of Sleep Related To The Appearance Of Alzheimer’s?

If you do not meet the established hours of sleep for a well-being and a healthy life, you can possibly have various conditions, among which could be Alzheimer’s.

Sleep is an essential process for the proper functioning of our brain.

When the body relaxes and consolidates sleep and rest, the brain begins its work of storing learning the new knowledge acquired throughout the day.

In addition to this, it allows the body to rest and recharge energy to start a new day with the optimal development of each of the activities required physically and mentally.

Relationship between sleep and Alzheimer’s

According to some neurologists, when you do not sleep long enough, the production of proteins that affect the connection between neurons increases, thus making it impossible to preserve the mental activities that allow remembering the facts.

Poor sleep habits could be seriously affecting your brain health, causing long-term damage like the onset of Alzheimer’s or early suffering from severe dementia.

The lack of balanced sleep and your daily tasks cause a degeneration of neurons. In the same way, increased sleep could be an indicator of other neurodegenerative pathologies, such as Parkinson’s, according to various studies.

However, recovering sleep one or two days a week by sleeping more than necessary does not work, since the activation of the production of brain damage occurs every time you do not sleep.

A set sleep time must be met daily.

On the other hand, not only little sleep but also intermittent sleep produces serious brain problems, since approximately 25% of neurons are lost with sleep instability.

The most everyday aspects will also be affected as they will hinder the learning processes. During sleep, the brain fulfills the function of eliminating toxins, thereby also allowing the elimination of proteins that accelerate the growth of senile plaques that increase memory loss.

This is why sleep disorders can be much more dangerous than we think.

Alzheimer’s incidence

The risk of developing Alzheimer’s in older women is higher than the risk of developing it in men.

The difference in the development of this degenerative disease, Alzheimer’s, between men and women present the following figures:

  • 1 in 6 women is prone to suffer from this brain disease while.
  • In men there is a risk of 1 in 11.

It is a high risk disease. It is because there is no cure and there are no really effective treatments that help treat or lessen the damage.

Fortunately, science is developing many promising advances in this field.


Recommendations for a quality sleep

Fortunately, there are several ways to improve your health through sleep: 

  • The recommended hours for a good rest and good productivity later are 8 hours a day.
  • This time that should be calm and lasting, ensuring a deep sleep and eliminating intermittent sleep.
  • Have adequate light during the day and complete darkness at bedtime; It is necessary to have light and darkness to be able to adapt your body through a biological clock that will be in charge of setting your rhythm. Even a little light can impede your perfect rest and ability to sleep. 

Memory sleep well

  • A big problem for the correct consolidation of sleep are the work shifts that alternate night and day shifts, since your biological clock undergoes constant changes that compromise your health and well-being.
  • Avoid watching television or using your computer or mobile phone at night.
  • You can also take a hot shower 30 minutes before going to bed, this helps you relax.
  • As a last recommendation, it is essential to remove any electronic device from your bed or place of sleep due to light, noise and the effects they have on health.

You know, your brain health and performance are crucially dependent on the quality and quantity of sleep you get on a daily basis.

Adjust your hours and your room to have a quality sleep that guarantees your mental and physical well-being.

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