Keys To Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Menstruation arrives and menstrual pains assail us. For many women they pose a serious problem that they try to solve with drugs, despite not having been prescribed by the doctor.

Is there perhaps some other remedy to alleviate the effects of menstruation? Of course. Here are some little tips that can ease your day to day in a simple way.

Discomfort in menstruation

Menstrual cramps are caused by inflammation of the ovaries and spasms of the ovum that must be released to give way to menstruation.

There are many doctors who warn about how severe menstrual pain can be, even Dr. John Guillebaud, from the University College of London, compares it to the pain of a heart attack.

This sometimes causes severe headaches and stomachaches. To this must be added often the low mood level, fatigue, fluid retention, chest pain and effects that we can alleviate with simple remedies.

Remedies to relieve menstrual cramps

All the remedies can now help us, but it is advisable to go to a health professional to review our case. Although they may be supportive, these remedies are not a treatment for pain.

1. Pineapple smoothie to relieve inflammation

pineapple juice

This smoothie is ideal to start the morning. Pineapple helps reduce tissue inflammation, is purifying and will offer us enormous relief.

It is a more than perfect juice to lower that feeling of bloating and fluid retention that we suffer during menstruation

How do we do it?

  • 1 cup of pineapple chopped into small pieces
  • 1 cup of fresh water
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


We put all the ingredients in the blender and try to drink it cool in the morning. Perfect for the days before menstruation comes, and while we are in it.

2. Carrot and orange juice:

carrot juice beet strawberry and orange

Delicious, healthy and perfect to help prevent the appearance of cramps or menstrual pain thanks to its content of potassium and magnesium, minerals that strengthen and tone muscles.

This juice would be worth it that you take it especially in the premenstrual period, at least a week before your menstruation arrives. Well, you provide those essential elements to calm the annoying cramps that usually appear in the belly and abdomen.

How do I prepare it?

  • A carrot
  • The juice of an orange
  • 2 stalks of parsley


Very easy, the first thing we will do is get the orange juice. Then, we put all the ingredients in the blender to obtain a very homogeneous juice. It is refreshing and very pleasant.


3. Infusion of mint and ginger

Ginger tea

Surely you have heard of the great properties of ginger to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

For its part, mint has anti-inflammatory principles, relieves cramps and an upset stomach. Both plants combined will be of great help.

All you have to do is grate the equivalent of a tablespoon of ginger root and add it to a cup of boiling water. Also add three leaves of dried mint, bring to a boil and let it rest for 5 minutes. Drink little by little.

4. Infusion of green anise and chamomile

Infusions to lose weight

 To the relaxing effects of chamomile, the effects of anise are added, which relieves the pain of cramps and reduces inflammation. This is because it is a powerful carminative. 

To prepare it, add three bags of chamomile and two tablespoons of green anise. Let it boil for at least 10 minutes and rest for another 5. You can drink up to 3 cups a day and you will be fine.

5. Hot water bottle on the abdomen

There is no more classic and effective remedy. If you have the opportunity to relax for half an hour, you will see how it relieves you to put a simple hot water bottle in the area of ​​your abdomen.

The heat makes all the muscles relax and the blood flow better. It is very effective.

6. Other Recommendations

Avoid drinking coffee, carbonated soft drinks, chocolates or teas before and during menstruation.

All these elements increase our inflammation and the sensation of pain, in addition to promoting the elimination of calcium. Try to avoid them already in the days before your menstruation comes and you will see how you notice relief.

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