Keys To Sleep Well After A Hard Day

Did you have a terrible day, with thousands of worries and obligations? Those days when everything seems to get complicated: you’ve fallen asleep, can’t find your keys, the boss is in a bad mood. .. In short, it seems that you have gotten up with two left feet. However, there is something you can do to get a good night’s sleep.

In this article we give you the keys to have a good night’s rest after a tiring day. Keep reading!

Get a good night’s sleep after a hard day

All you want is the departure time to run home, relax and then be able to sleep to forget everything and start a new and better day.

All of us at some time or rather many times we have had a day to forget. That is why in this article we will emphasize tips to be able to sleep like little angels.

As you head home, take the opportunity to think about things that bring you joy and serenity. For example, listen to your favorite music. This technique  is a good step to begin to relax our mind and expel bad energies  , and it is also scientifically proven.

Once you have arrived, you can start the implementation of the tips that we mentioned.

Relax the body with baths and massages

To start, prepare a relaxing bath with your favorite scent in your tub or bathtub. While you are taking your bath, massage your body:

  • Begin with gentle stroking, then further massage tight muscles.
  • Do not forget your feet, since all the tensions accumulate in them. You will see how after a good massage, your body improves.
  • Also massage your scalp. Although some people have it very sensitive, it is not necessary that you do it with force, the important thing is that you feel comfortable, remember that the massage should not hurt.
  • Then the neck. Taking advantage of the fact that you have your favorite essential oil on hand, place a few drops in your hands and massage your cervical area.
  • You should never press on the spine, only on the sides of it. You can do it in the form of small circles with your fingers or using the thumb and index finger of the same hand on the sides of the cervical spine.
  • Go up and down with a pressure that does not generate pain and you feel how the muscles are relaxing.

These baths can last between 15 to 20 minutes. Although if you prefer you can extend them a little more, but without exaggerating.

Relaxing bath for a good night's sleep

Breathing as a form of relaxation

Now it is the turn to make the lungs work. Breathing not only helps to relax the body as a whole. In addition, if you take the time to do it in depth, you will achieve that the oxygen reaches all your cells better.

The benefits of relaxation techniques through breathing are based on specialized and scientifically proven studies.

This is because, in general, when we are stressed or stressed, our breaths become shallow. Then we stop reaping the benefits of good breathing technique.

You will find that, as you release the air into your lungs, all your muscles relax. Surely if you have followed these tips you will be much calmer, enjoying great serenity.

Relax the mind

For relaxation to be total, we must also calm or quiet the mind. For this we give you the following tips:

  • Enjoy soft music that will help calm your nerves.
  • Since you were already practicing it back home, think of beautiful things, daydream, let your imagination fly. Think positive, that tomorrow will be a great day. With everything going for you.
  • You can also use  meditation techniques. If you are not used to doing them, it would be a good time to learn them. You will see how they relieve your stress.

    Finish with a chamomile tea and light meal

    Lastly, you can drink an infusion of chamomile. This will enhance the relaxation of your body preparing it to sleep well. You should know that phytotherapy, in general, is usually recommended in these cases, since it is supported by multiple studies.

    Other relaxing infusions that can help you are:

    • Valerian : has a sedative and relaxing effect on the nervous system and the brain.
    • Linden : it is less potent than valerian, but it works to help you fall asleep and relax.
    • Melissa : it is a useful remedy in cases of stress and nervousness.
    • Passionflower : It is considered a natural anxiolytic. It also has sedative, analgesic, and antidepressant effects.
    • Lavender : reduces anxiety and has a calming effect.
    • Hops : acts on the nervous system; helps fight nervousness and anxiety, while aiding digestion.

    In case you have an appetite, avoid eating a large amount of food. If you want your rest to be effective, choose a light salad or fruit. Large meals can cause insomnia .

    In the same way, remember that if fatigue begins to affect your daily routine in an extreme way, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

    Note: the essential oils recommended to relax would be lavender, orange, sandalwood. You should avoid mint or rosemary ones.

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