Know The Fruits That Will Help You Lose Weight In Less Time

Just as there are certain foods that we must avoid if we want to lose weight, there are some fruits whose consumption can facilitate the task and optimize the results.

We know that losing weight is complex . On the one hand, there is every intention of achieving it, but also the need to eat something delicious appears. Balancing these two things is not always easy. Discover the fruits that will help you lose weight

Remember that eating a varied diet will help you get all the nutrients you need. We recommend that you include different fruits throughout the day and adapt to those that are typical of the season . This will guarantee that they are fresh, you will save money and you will have the body you want.

Fruits that will help you lose weight

The following fruits will provide satiety and nutrients necessary to stimulate weight loss.

1. Avocado

Some fruits allow you to lose weight very quickly.

We begin the list of fruits that will help you lose weight with avocado or avocado. It is a delicious option, easy to adapt to any taste and full of benefits.

Due to their fatty acid content, avocados boost metabolism, increase energy, and burn fat. This is stated in a study published in the Nutrition Journal.

In addition, when consumed, it also improves skin hydration due to its natural fats. All this without risk to your cardiovascular health because fats are healthy and beneficial.

We recommend you include it in your diet once a day, although if you are a lover of this fruit, there is no problem in consuming it more times. You can use avocado as a substitute for creamy and high-calorie foods.

  • For example, whenever you fancy an ice cream, you can prepare an avocado mousse or a smoothie based on it.
  • To give an extra touch you can add pieces of seeds or another fruit that we mention here.

2. Lemon

Lemon contains many positive health properties.

The second of the fruits that will help you lose weight is lemon and we recommend adding it to your diet frequently. How does it help you lose weight? Find out:

  • It is a natural diuretic, therefore it helps you eliminate toxins by increasing urination.
  • Its citric acid maximizes the function of enzymes that stimulate the liver, helping it to transform food into energy.
  • It is high in pectin, a soluble fiber that has been shown to act by reducing the feeling of hunger.

In addition to being very inexpensive and easy to combine, it is rich in riboflavin, phosphorus, B vitamins, vitamin C and magnesium. By consuming lemon juice, you accelerate the loss of the extra kilos that bother you. A good option is to drink the following recipe every day on an empty stomach:


  • The juice of one lemon.
  • 1 glass of warm water (200 ml).


  1. Squeeze the juice directly over the glass of water.
  2. Mix well and  drink immediately.

It is recommended that you prepare it at the time you are going to consume it as the lemon oxidizes quickly and could lose some of its effects.

You can drink this drink every day without problem, so do not miss the opportunity to do it.

3. Watermelon


Another fruit that will help you lose weight is watermelon. This fruit It only provides 50 calories for every 250 ml of natural watermelon juice, in addition to vitamin A, B and C and lycopene . This last nutrient has been shown to significantly improve health status.

All this makes it a very satiating fruit that hydrates you and prevents heart problems and cancer. The only thing you should take into account is that watermelon is a fruit with a lot of sugar. While its sugar is natural, you should control its consumption if you are diabetic .

  • Our recommendation is that you consume a medium slice of watermelon two or three times a week. One option is the following infusion:


    • 1 medium slice of watermelon.
    • 4 cups of warm water (1 liter).
    • The juice of 1 lemon.
    • 5 mint leaves.


    1. Chop the watermelon into small cubes that are easy to handle and consume in one bite.
    2. Add the watermelon cubes, lemon juice, and mint to the water and chill in the refrigerator for an hour. You can also add ice if you want to drink it right away.
    3. Take with you and drink the infusion throughout the day.

    4. Grapefruit or Grapefruit

    Grapefruit is a very satisfying fruit.

    The last of the fruits that will help you lose weight is grapefruit or grapefruit. In addition to having a delicious taste and being very satiating, it is recommended quite often for its Benefits :

    • It is low in sugars, so you will not have problems if you are diabetic.
    • Improve your digestive process due to its amount of fiber .
    • You can easily combine it with your shakes .

    Include fruits in your diet to lose weight

    Of these fruits that will help you lose weight, which is your favorite? Did you already know the positive effects they have on your quest for weight loss? Remember to seek medical advice when starting a diet. No one will guide you better in the process than a professional.

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