Make Your Own Watering Cans For The Garden In A Simple And Inexpensive Way

If you are starting in the world of gardening and you have realized that you are missing a  watering can, do not worry, you can make it yourself with recycled materials. Water is essential in a garden, and if we do not have a good irrigation system, you can always opt for these simple and beautiful watering cans made from recycled products.

Pay attention and start tomorrow to get down to work.

Watering cans with recycled materials for your garden

We present a series of tips that you can easily follow to make it.

Home drip system

One of the best ways to keep our plants and flowers well hydrated is to make a drip-based irrigation system, that is, with the help of a hose and a large jug of at least 5 or 10 liters.

To do it you will need:

  • A hose of the length you consider to cover all the pots and terrariums.
  • A high capacity carafe.

Then begin to drill holes in the hose where necessary to create openings for the plants. Arrange it so that it matches the stems. Don’t forget to cover one end of the hose.

Taking care of the garden is essential

Make a cut or a groove in the carafe so you can connect it to the hose. Also, make another  hole to make it easier for you to fill it with water. 

Finally, hang the carafe high once you have connected the hose and you will have your new drip system up and running.

Carafes with plastic bottles

It is one of the simplest systems that we can carry out. Get some carafes of water, you can select the size that best suits your needs.

Whether they are half a liter or 5 liters, it will be enough for us.  First of all, clean the bottom of the carafes, since any chemical product can be contaminating for the plants.

It may interest you: 12 ideas to take advantage of the plastic bottles that you do not use.

Then pick up the stopper and make small holes with the help of an awl, a spiral will suffice, or draw the S symbol.

Try to make the holes the same size so that the water comes out regularly and constantly.

Once you have it, fill the bottle, close the cap and you will have your shower ready. This is, without a doubt, one of the cheapest ways to make our own shower.

Sprinklers made from plastic jugs

If you are one of those who have a large garden and you are thinking of placing sprinklers to make your irrigation task easier, let us advise you first of these homemade sprinklers. 

You only have to take a bottle, for example, one of a 2-liter soda. Clean it and then pierce it.

Do it linearly, vertically or horizontally. Connect the hose to the bottle cap and let the force of the water force it out through the holes previously made.

You will see that it will reach quite a few points and can water your plants, grass and trees all at once.

Water bottles can help you water your garden

Decorate your old showers

If you have old watering cans but you cannot use them because they are rusted, not comfortable or very heavy, we leave you some ideas so you can decorate your garden with them.

They can give it a very original and country touch. They can become the protagonists.

  • They can be used as centerpieces. 
  • In addition, they can become hanging pots. 
  • They can be very original pots. Plants and flowers look great on them.
  • Likewise, we can keep wine corks or precious stones inside
  • Of course, you can paint them in different colors and give color points to your garden. 
  • Depending on the size, if you restore them, they can be used to decorate the interior of your house or to place kitchen utensils inside .

    As you can imagine, these are just some of the ideas for you to make watering cans from plastic bottles and recycled materials.

    Having a well-kept garden says a lot about a person. Sure, like us, you like nature and also saving, for this reason, we look for the tricks that can make life a little easier. 

    Share these learned tricks with your friends and do not hesitate to put them into practice; Everyone at home has the odd plastic bottle that we can put to better use or give a second life to. 

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